Struggling with the Pandemic
Nobody knew that the freedom of free interaction could disappear as quickly as the melting of waxes. When convoys of army trucks ferrying bodies of dead people were seen in some countries, the governments’ importunity to have people circumscribed started making sense. The social distancing rules have come as an eye-opener that worldly belongings could prove to be vanity. Besides, rich people are witnessing their money sepulcher in banks and houses without anywhere to spend it. Journalists have importuned government officials who have appeared to be prodigal even in times of crisis as they seek to seek popularity.
The failure to adhere to governments’ precepts has been censured, and the people offenders regarded to as libertine as they continue to put their lives as well of others in danger. Everyone wishes the current epidemic away so that the world can resume normalcy as people look forward to flourish after several months of lockdown. Besides, not everyone enjoys staying locked in their houses and the only friend in sight is a cup of wassail. The epidemic caught everyone unawares, and those who had planned to marry have been forced to postpone their parties or choose to do them behind closed doors.
Moreover, the times are not very difficult for people who had been canonized into sainthood as they have a chance to continue with their good deeds. However, the world might have to struggle with calumnious as people are free and have a lot of time to come with whatever of stories to keep them engaged. However, the world will soon recover from the current pandemic and normalcy will be resumed. It is a great time to keep hope alive.