symptoms of diabetes
Diabetes is a severe condition that affects the way the human body processes glucose or blood sugar. When the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, blood glucose, which is the primary source of energy, stays in the blood, and fails to reach other body cells. Too much glucose in the blood may cause serious health problems; it can damage nerves as well as blood vessels. Diabetes has no cure; however, it is manageable through the prescribed medication by qualified physicians. Diabetes is the most common medical problem during pregnancy, which leads to congenital disabilities or deaths in a growing fetus.
Pregestational diabetes is a condition that occurs before pregnancy, while gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs after or during pregnancy. These conditions may affect how a woman’s body uses and produces glucose. During pregnancy hormones such as human placental lactogen, cortisol as well as estrogen may block the production and distribution of glucose, it makes the blood sugar levels to rise since glucose cannot be distributed to other body cells. However, the risk factors associated with diabetes during pregnancy depends on the type of diabetes, such as Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. It is worth noting that gestational diabetes is the most common condition during pregnancy compared to pregestational diabetes. Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
Diabetes causes stillbirth (fetal death). Stillbirth refers to the death of a fetus during pregnancy. Women with diabetes are more likely to experience stillbirth during pregnancy. The embryo in the uterus is expected to experience slow growth and development dues to damaged blood vessels and high blood pressure caused by diabetes condition. Diabetic-related stillbirth is linked with hyperglycemia resulting in fetal anaerobic hypoxia and acidosis metabolism. However, the prevention of fetal deaths among pregnant women with diabetes depends on extensive and integrative antenatal care with blood sugar level control as well as adequate fetal monitoring.
Diabetes may cause respiratory distress syndrome on the unborn child or fetus during pregnancy when the fetus has too much glucose in the system it may affect the growth of lungs and other organs required for the proper functioning of the body. Breathing issues occur to infants born before thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy. The delay in the production of the surfactant due to excess insulin may also lead to congenital disabilities or deaths in babies born pre-term. These babies require care and assistance using breathing machines until their lungs have strengthened and matured. It is essential to ensure effective control of diabetes during pregnancy because infants may be exposed to excess blood sugar levels.
Ultimately, if the diabetes condition is not controlled or managed effectively during pregnancy, excess blood glucose may accumulate during the growth and development of the fetus, causing stillbirths and respiratory distress. Several health specialists have found out that excess blood glucose in the fetus may cause pre-term births, hypoglycemia, birth injury as well as excessive birth weight. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should manage their glucose levels by prioritizing exercise and nutrition. Additionally, frequent contact with health care providers, as well as the management of diabetes medically may help in managing glucose levels during pregnancy.