Tasks: (C- Negative criticism)
Thesis statement: to choose to be this or that is to affirm at the same time the value of what we choose, because we can never choose evil, we always choose good, and nothing can be good for us without being good for all.
The Christian doctrine teaches us to believe that everything is possible through faith. As much as this ideology has merit, it is essential to note that we live in a world that is full of different cultures and different religious doctrines. In addition, our work environment is full of a variety of people with different personalities; therefore, it is not possible to always choose to do good and avoid evil because we are an individualistic society. Carano believes that humans will always choose the good decision and never an evil one as long as it is good for all. However, humanity has become too individualistic to even think about how their choices will affect other people.
An individualistic society is a society that stresses the needs of individuals above all else. Our society is full of people who are independent and autonomous, and this independence is celebrated, especially with the age of feminism. The belief that as humans we will always choose what is good or what is not evil is a basic understanding of the human nature. In this generation with the age of technological innovations, human beings will always choose what is right for them disregarding anyone else’s feelings. In an individualistic society, people are considered good when they are independent, assertive, stable, and self-reliant. Their choices are good is for their benefit or the benefit of their environment. An evil or a good decision is a relative ideology that can be interpreted in a variety of ways in today’s society. We do not always choose well, and how it affects the people around us is not still a factor when making that decision. Most of the time, what is good for all is not considered a good choice. We, as a people will always choose what is best for use with no consideration of whether it’s good or evil.