The ACSG’s Anti-Racism Policy
The ACSG is committed to fostering a community that embraces inclusivity, respect and equality. Our organization aims to serve those members of the African Canadian, Caribbean Canadian, and Black Canadians who are suffering or are cancer survivors. We realized that having an anti-racism stance throughout our entire organization is very important to reach our goal of reducing the number of deaths due to Cancer among Black people. The following pillars dictate our operation:
- Inclusivity and Diversity
ACSG is dedicated to creating an inclusive and diverse environment within which the Black Community’s members contribute according to their strengths. We make it possible for all people, regardless of their origin or culture and personal experiences, to use our support services, acknowledging and respecting their uniqueness.
- Non-Discrimination
We stand strongly against any form of discrimination whatsoever on the basis of the racial or ethnic identity of an individual. We demonstrate our non-bias and dedication to the Black Community through awareness campaigns, educational programs, and support services.
- Cultural Competence
The African Communities Support Group (ACSG) promotes numerous cultures among the Black Community to our employees, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Through cultural competence, we plan to ensure that cancer clients receive quality and empathetic treatment.
- Equitable Resource Access
We will ensure that our resources—social, mental, and emotional, as well as financial support are available to the Black community members facing health difficulties caused by cancer.
- Advocacy Against Racism
ACSG encourages proactive advocacy to condemn all forms of racism. We will combat institutional racism and push for health equality among the African community through our platform to raise awareness, hold conversations, and work with other like-minded institutions.
- Monitoring and Assessment
We will regularly review and audit our policies and practices to identify and correct any potential cases of bias or discrimination. We aim to create an organization that is continuously developing and undertakes anti-racism by the diligent monitoring of our activities.
In line with our mission and vision, ACSG is committed to creating a motivating yet non-discriminatory environment that allows the members of the Black Community to meet their own cancer experiences in honourable, fair and impartial ways. Through teamwork, we can improve our diverse community’s cancer outcomes.