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The future of fashion

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The future of fashion


The future of fashion is an ongoing settlement; changes have been discussed as well as put into place. The environment is a globally recognized subject of great importance and is one that has been manipulated as well as respected at times by the fashion industry. The fashion industry has set goals to provide sustainable merchandise, as well as work out alternative methods of manufacturing goods avoiding the maximum harm caused to the environment. The majority of fashion houses have embraced these methods, which takes them a step further into making fashion a futuristic component of our society. However, there are still many companies, which have failed to embrace these causes, and have yet an abundance of time to adjust their ways into adapting themselves in a safer, healthier future of fashion. In addition, to the strong movement of sustainability, technology has and will play an even stronger role as millennials grow and continue to create advanced tools.


Sustainability plays a significant role in society as well as environmental development. Encouraging the implementation of the sustainability imperative has the ability to shift the fast fashion industry into embracing ethical considerations moving into the future. By setting guidelines and rules for the strategic development of the factories, brands will be able to influence each other into taking steps toward the right direction. Ethically driven working environments are imperative not only for the fast fashion industry, but for any facility undertaking tasks to aid organisations. The fashion industry has posed as symbolic in the wrongful use of labour as well as environmental destruction overall. It has come to the public’s attention that the lack of transparency may have encouraged hazards, which should not have been overlooked, in contrast to being controlled in order to avoid any irreversible destructions.

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The industry has to consider the sustainability imperative as consumers have become increasingly aware of the social and environmental concerns, which in result leads them to expect the same awareness from the brands they purchase. This has become a substantial factor in the purchase behaviour of consumers, thus noting an important reason for brands to grasp the actions needed to be taken in order to develop along with their consumers’ expectations.


The Rana Plaza collapse was a tragic disaster caused by the indifference and ignorance of safety measures contributed by brands and parties involved. The owner of the complex holding 5 garment factories was accused of the murder of 1,135 people due to the collapse in 2013. An additional 40 people were charged with murder and involvement in this tragedy. Disregarding their workers’ claims of being afraid to enter their workplace due to distressing facilities, the 38 members of this complex ignored the warnings and chose to cover up the obvious cracks in walls by forcing people to get back to work. As a result of the inability to admit that the building did not have suitable conditions for people to be present in, the building failed to hold the cracks in the walls and excessive weight due to overcrowding on weak grounds causing thousands of innocent lives taken. Transparency should be the norm when it comes to brands revealing their supply chain. Consumers are increasingly aware of sustainable practices, which correlates to their behaviour of purchasing products. Consumers supporting causes will seek for companies that embody similar values, which is why brand should grasp the opportunity and share their steps into corporate social responsibilities and well as supply chain methods. Turning a blind eye to disasters caused by the fashion industry can be considered ignorant as we are all indirectly a part of the process of production and workforce involved. The line is drawn when refusing to take accountability for inexcusable actions made in order to maximise profits is of higher value than the implementation of new sets of regulations leading a more organic supply chain. The transparency and accountability of companies’ supply chain is not something they can easily hide from once reporting them. Ofcourse, having pledged to transparency gives the public a direct view point to the values of the company, however, some have been found to report endless sections on implementation of ethical practices, where on the other hand they find loopholes to continue unethical conduct, which is definitely not something that can be hidden for long. Complying with regulations placing order in the workforce environment, and embracing a diverse nature of practice is vital in modern working environments. Diversity, in all its field is of utter importance within the inhouse code of conduct to marketing power. All aspects of diversity should be considered, If one wants to achieve their goals and have a respected reputation as well as ability to develop along with a growing consumer attraction. Thus, embracing trends, ethical code of conduct and safe facilities to work in, among many more outlining the diversification of a company’s implementation of sustainable behavior.

If we think critically, the two terms sustainable fashion and oxymoron have distinct meanings. In this case, oxymoron, therefore, is a Greek word which means the figure of speech with two terms that are contradicting which are combined with the aim of creating rhetorical through paradoxical meaning . Therefore, sustainable fashion is the oxymoron. Way is an industry that is resource intensive. The article critically analyses emerging movement in fashion, its origins and its trajectory, about social, economic and environmental sustainability. It further discusses its potential global impact in the longer term. Points: Intro to sustainability The Rana Plaza Collapse Ethical the movement: The transparency pledge Supply chains Slow fashion Brand to mention and discuss. At this moment, four years have passed since the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh occurred. This incident claimed lives of not less than 1100 people while many of them sustained minor and significant injuries. This disaster has remained in our thoughts since then. As time goes, we must stay vigilant to prevent such instances from happening again shortly in the workplaces that are unsafe.  Strategies and measures have been put in place to ensure that such occurrences will not take place again in Bangladesh. Within these four years, the accord has made a sound development in attaining its objectives in developing working environments in which workers do carry out their activities without fears accidents or building collapses. This is made possible through setting up and implementation of reasonable measures.

The aspects of fashion behavior have been the different matter of cultural historians, moral critics, social analysts, and business entrepreneurs, academic theorists for centuries is. Across the past decades and centuries of changing fashions, plainly thousands of commentaries focusing on the vagaries and nuances of fashion behavior have been available. This main body of logical psychoanalysis as well anecdotal view describes fashion as an intricate, disperse, frequently confusing, an extremely noticeable trait of civilizations. Most importantly, the center of this writing may be incorporated into an essential structure of consistent principles of fashion behavior. These principles include the state of the skill in the modern growth of fashion theory.

Consumer investigators from a wide range of educational areas in the most current decades have taken escalating attention in telling the exceptional patterns of end users of fashion behavior. Concerning inclusive theory of development, these labors have been somewhat self-effacing. Concerning the development of principles of consumer fashion behavior, the creation has been more considerable. On the other hand, the current position of fashion theory development is typically a chaotic system of original ideas, to a certain extent than a prearranged and unified set of beliefs, constructs, and values.

The primary objective of this writing is to construct an incorporated theoretical structure for a modern theory of consumer fashion behavior. The core intention of this progress is to portray fundamental constructs together with structured ideas that outline a modern perspective on fashion. There was a shortage of power in the industry one morning. Therefore, diesel generators that were on the top of the floor were started. The disaster happened early in the morning leaving only the ground floor. According to the statement issued by the government, it confirmed that there were approximately 3122 workers in the building at the time of the collapse. Some of the known causes of the tragedy include the following:

    The structural integrity of the structure was compromised by its building on a filled in the pond. The reports indicated that the site where the building was constructed was not good enough to support such a large structure. The collapse is attributed to the loose ground for its foundation which got easily affected by the vibration from the generators.

    The building was converted from the commercial use to industrial use. The building was initially meant for commercial use. Later it was turned into commercial use without carrying out tests to see if it was viable.

    there were additional three floors which were above the original permit. When the industries were established, there was the need to expand it due to the growing market. This growth led to the construction of three more floors. According to the research, the building could not support the additional stories therefore it collapsed.

    Substandard materials were used in the development of the building. These materials were overloaded and could not stand the vibrations of the generators. The materials that were used to lay down the structure did not meet the standards required.

The Rescuers

The international search and rescue advisory group which is under UN tried offering some of its members to rescue in the event.  However, the government of Bangladesh refused the offer. The government states that the local savers them in the country were well equipped to carry out this exercise alone. The UN went ahead to assess the ability of this local rescue agency to efficiently accomplish the rescue mission. In the end, the UN inferred that they had no capability. The officials of Bangladesh failed to accept support from the UN saying that they wanted to protect national sensibilities. A good percentage of these rescuers consisted of only the volunteers who were not prepared adequately for the operation. Most of them lacked protective cattier and were in sandals. With their limited knowledge and resources, they buried the works which were anticipating to be saved. The Bangladesh government is blamed for favoring national pride thereby resulting in burying the works alive that would have been saved if better techniques were applied. Some of these rescuers were trapped in the debris and end up losing their lives as well. According to the research carried out by one website, it indicated that the majority of the victims were women together with their children who were in the care facilities within the premise.

One week after the occurrence of the collapse, a meeting between the retailers and non-governmental organizations was held. During the meeting, a new accord between the building safety and the factory was formulated, and a deadline for its implementation was set. Various companies in North America including Walmart decline signing this accord. However, 38 companies complied with this accord. The companies were therefore called upon to sign it to ensure the safety of their employees and the buildings in case of such happenings in the future.


The supply chain


Evaluation done for the generalized idea of fashion implies that fashion may be imagined from two distinct angles, the style as an object, and the trend as a process. The two dimensions have separate and different implications:

  • The fashion as an object. In theory of consumer behavior, maybe particular stylistic produce, and in some instances a functional technological discovery or a consumer aid. As a non-material common product, the object might be any behavioral practice or even an ideological attitude.
  • The fashion as a process. Refers to a tool of stages by which a possible fashion thing proceeds from its production to consumers performance and public approval. In the fashion process, a possible fashion object is added to the portions of social order, it is assumed by some front people often referred to as innovators, and is eventually spread to other social order parts to a particular degree of recognition. The fashion as a process describes a changing device by which something finally begins as an allowed or refused style.

Fashions have unique characteristics both as process and as the object which distinguish them from other behavioral appearances. Critical features and elements of style have been summarised to illustrate how fashion aspects get contrasted as a specific behavioral aspect.


Slow Fashion

The historical background of fashion is broad. Various industries have been designing clothing and accessories which are in fashion. However, a cloth or accessory will be in fashion for certain duration where other new products are released. Charles Fredrick Worth who was an individual designer started the current industry of fashion in the 19th century. Charles designed his first label in 1858 that was sewn into the garments he created. The basic major pieces of female ware before mid 19th century were seamstresses that were directly made for the client and made-t-measure which were designed by dressmakers. Other accessories such as gloves and hats were made ready to wear and sold in shops as it is done currently. The men’s attire was also dealt with in the same way by the tailors. The designs of these clothes depend on printed designs. Therefore its circulation became widespread in Europe. These products were anticipated for in various provinces of Europe. The dressing style of Europe had become the same by 1800 local rendering variation as the rural culture. Fashion became more influential at the beginning of the 20th century than it was in the past. This influence got propagated by the introduction of magazines and photographs on clothes. The magazines had a profound taste on the public. Fashion also has a trajectory channel in its field. This field expounds the pattern view on creativity whose objective is to recognize and generate creative work within an ambiguous social background in which creators and their audience are entrenched. There is an argument that creativity is subject matter to central part periphery network exchange. Peripheral actors stand to gain legitimacy for their work of creativity by moving toward the primary to enable central designers to flee conformity pressures.



Impact on Social

Research conducted showed the following facts about the cause and the rescue strategies that were set to be used to rescue the victims. This government is liable for the for all the inconveniences caused and the methods which were applied and failed thus not meeting the expectations of the public.



Various economists have come up with moderns of economics that incorporate sustainability. This essay is going to present an agenda of research and foundations of multiple concepts in the field of sustainable development. Achieving economic growth; some challenges oppose it in the environment, this calls for the introduction of standards that it implies. The economic research on sustainable development calls for the implementation of biophysical fashions into financial measures together with multidisciplinary interaction on the result of enlargement of bio-economy which forms the most significant part of the change

Environmental Sustainability

The style associated with influences on economic and the environmental sustainability. For example, climate change; this calls for consideration of sectors such as transportation and agriculture to address these changes in climate change. As a result, fashion that is cheap is discarded together with spirals into sales cycles and production that have an impact on the climate change. Regarding economics, there are certain behaviors that economist follow. One of the behaviors is  Hyperbolic discounting; This is an economy which denotes the affinity for investors to progressively select a prize that is smaller sooner above another one that is higher sooner as the interruption takes place faster compared to later with time. For the case above, economists will have to consider a behavior that is cost effective.


All of us love fashion. In fact, every time we anticipate into getting a new fashion that is trending in the society. In as much as we love the way, it has a vast number of implications on the long term. First, fashion is always expensive. For economic, we have to be cost-effective.  Individuals


Examples: ADIDAS – transparency pledge – code of conduct – implementation to above sustainabilities

By being perpetrated to clarity and public exposure, Adidas is one of the so rare companies in the industry that fully discloses its comprehensive factory lists and prints complete data including title and position of suppliers by nation about its leading, licensees suppliers, and subcontractors. The information displayed comes from an industry-leading internet portal, the Fair Factories Clearinghouse. The level of efficiency of the lists is profoundly subject to the declaration presented to the public by the primary suppliers, who have the close connection with these factories. While a substantial business relationship exists with many of the significant manufacturing associates which spread across many years, the company to recognize a standard of factory turnover all through every year. The factory list ever represents the current situation of the company’s ongoing business contacts. Errors can sneak in like any massive database maintained by many business actualities, through inaccurate data insertions, incorrect labels or late updates. To reduce these mistakes, the company attempt to prevent the revelation of its principal suppliers, subcontractors, and licensees of course as practicable by refreshing the records two times a year.



Compare to Stella McCartney with R.I.S.E



McCartney depicts a gear of training. Unlike Addid the company uses organic parley and cotton. the cotton is obtained and used to make plastics before it reaches the ocean from the beach at the communities in the coastal areas.




















The Need for Supply Chain Transparency in the Garment and Footwear Industry. 4 20, 2017. (accessed 2018).

It Has Been Four Years Since the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse—How Much Has Changed? 2017. (accessed 2018).

These Retailers Involved In Bangladesh Factory Disaster Have Yet To Compensate Victims. 4 26, 2014. (accessed 2018).

Akter, Mahafuza. “Accord.” Accord Statement on the April 2013 Rana Plaza building collapse. April 24, 2017. (accessed April 12, 2018).

“Disaster at Rana Plaza.” A gruesome accident should make all bosses think harder about what behaving responsibly means. May 4, 2013. (accessed 2018).

Hoque, Samia Ferdous. Rana Plaza collapse aftermath: are CSR compliance and auditing pressures effective? 2017. (accessed 2018).

“More Brands Should Reveal Where Their Clothes are Made.” 4 20, 2017. (accessed 2018).

Nittle, Nadra. What the Rana Plaza Disaster Changed About Worker Safety. 4 13, 2018. (accessed 2018).

Revolution, Fashion. Transparency is trending. 2017. (accessed 2018).


Tynan, Dan. Why Brands Are Under Increasing Pressure to Be Transparent About What They Believe In. 2017. (accessed 2018).



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