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The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Baseball and Football.

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The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Baseball and Football.


Anabolic steroids and performance heightening drugs are prohibited for non-medical use and banned in most major sports like baseball and football. However, despite the restrictions, there are several incidents involving professional athletes participating in major competitions. Anabolic steroids use by athletes is a problem across significant sports with some notable names falling victim to the vice. In the United States, the Major League Baseball (MLB) and National Football League (NFL) both prohibit the use of anabolic steroids by athletes (Waller et al. 1304-1319). The use of steroids extends beyond the confines of professional sports as youths also engage in the practice. Many high school students abuse the substances to boost their performance in games to attract sponsorships into college. However, steroid use has significant risks on both the users’ physiological and psychological health. Anabolic steroids are classified as Schedule III Controlled Substances due to toothier potential to cause harm to its users, thus leading to psychological and physiological dependence.

What are Anabolic Steroids?

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(El Osta et al. 2) defines anabolic steroids as human-made steroid hormones that mimic testosterone in inducing muscle growth. Scientific definitions of anabolic steroids all establish that the synthetic hormones that are derivatives of testosterone. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males and is responsible for the exhibition and maintenance of manly traits. Anabolic steroids work by increasing the androgenic testosterone effects in the body. Anabolic steroids can influence the growth of various tissues, especially bones and muscles. The anabolic effects of anabolic steroids include the mass production of erythrocytes (Waller et al. 1304-1319). Medically anabolic steroids are used to treat conditions such as delayed puberty, muscle damage, anemia, osteoporosis, and impotence and hypogonadism, among other diseases. Anabolic steroids are introduced into the body through various means. Introduction methods include oral introduction including swallowing as pills and capsules as well as drinking it in liquid form, transdermal application by using steroid patches, injections, smoking, snorting and at times direct ingestion as solid foods (Solimini et al. 7-16).  Once in the body, the substance undergoes four stages absorption into the bloodstream, distribution through the circulatory system, metabolism and excretion.

Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Athletes.

Many athletes who engage in steroid use do it to boost their performance. These athletes are willing to risk their careers and reputation. But what effects do anabolic steroids have on an athlete? Here are some of the common effects:

  • Results on an Athletes Performance.

Many baseball greats such as Rafael Palmeiro have been rocked with steroid use. However, do steroids increase an athlete’s performance? Anabolic steroids remain accessible to athletes as they can increase muscle size and the strength in the muscles. They can increase aggressiveness and competitiveness, which are desirable traits for professional athletes. Anabolic steroids are made to stimulate tissue building of the androgens and minimize androgenic properties. The steroid hormone work by stimulating receptor molecules in muscle cells, which activate particular genes into manufacturing proteins the steroids affect the rate of enzyme activation responsible for protein metabolism, thus augmenting protein synthesis and hindering protein degradation (El Osta et al. 2).

The effects of anabolic steroids on proteins are helpful in muscle building making athletes muscular and more energetic. However, massive resistance is necessary for anabolic steroids to enhance physical performance. Anabolic steroids improve athlete performance by blocking the binding of cortisol to its receptor sites which prevent muscle breakdown and improve recovery (Solimini et al. 7-16). By blocking the effects of the cortisol hormone, athletes can train longer and recover faster, thus making them better athletes. Athletes on steroids can, therefore, perform at a higher level as compared to regular athletes. However, using anabolic steroids that affect cortisol functioning can cause problems such as psychological addition since athletes may lose strength and size rapidly. When withdrawn from steroids, and cortisol, steroids can also suppress the immune system making the athletes vulnerable to diseases like colds and flu.

  • Effects on an Athletes’ Sexual Health.

The main ingredient in anabolic is synthetic testosterone. Increasing the quantity of testosterone in an athlete’s body unnaturally way can negatively influence sexual performance. Some common side effects of anabolic steroids on sexual health are:

  1. Sperm Count Reduction: abuse of anabolic steroids can hamper an athlete’s sexual performance as it can negatively affect sperm production. Anabolic steroids will cause a drop in sperm count and increase the number of deformed swimmers.
  2. Reduction in Natural Testosterone Level: Anabolic steroids introduce synthetic testosterone into the body which hinders natural testosterone. The synthetic hormones drastically reduce the production of the natural hormone, thus affecting sexual performance later in life.
  • Erectile dysfunction: overdosing in anabolic can cause obstruction in erectile function. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to the side effects of anabolic steroids that causes a reduction in natural testosterone (Ganesan & Zito, np).
  1. Infertility: reduction in sperm count resulting from the abuse of anabolic steroids affects a man’s ability to reproduce. Reduced sperm count makes men infertile which takes long term treatment to restore to normal levels (Nieschlag & Vorona, 47). Anabolic steroids may cause infertility in women too as t can affect their menstrual cycle. The introduction of testosterone into a woman’s body causes the woman to develop manly characteristics. The synthetic hormone disrupts menstrual cycles, thus compromising a female’s athletes’ fertility (Nieschlag & Vorona, 47).
  2. Shrinking Testicles: Anabolic steroids influence sexual performance by inducing testicular atrophy (Bahri et al. 1427). Introducing artificial testosterone causes the biochemical signals that control hormone cycles act unnaturally out of balance. Using steroids increases the concentration of androgens; however, it also significantly decreases the level of testosterone in the testicles as a result of negative feedback. The action of anabolic steroids causes the Leydig cells and the germ cells to causes structural changes in the tubules, thus affecting sperm development (Bahri et al. 1427). The presence of artificial hormones in the body induces the brain to send signals to the testicles to stop testosterone production, making the balls virtually vestigial organs; thus, they tend to shrink. Shrinking balls can cause reduced sexual performance and fertility issues.

(c.) Anabolic Steroids can Result to Acne.

Acne on the chest, face and back is one of the most common effects of Anabolic Steroids use. Reports show that about 43% of anabolic steroid users tend to develop acne. The development of acne occurs as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands in response to the increased amounts of androgen hormones. High testosterone levels in the body can increase the magnitude and growth rate of the sebaceous glands (Degitz & Ochsendorf, 709-722). Increased activity in the sebaceous gland stimulates a corresponding increase in sebum manufacturing, which increases the occurrence of clogged pores and facilitate the development of acne-causing bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes. P. acnes which nutritionally synthesizes sebum (Degitz & Ochsendorf, 709-722). The increased sebum levels are responsible for inflammation in and around the follicle, improving acne symptoms, can cause tissue damage and significantly makes acne scarring likely.

Androgens work in cooperation with other compounds from anabolic steroids to regulate sebaceous gland activity. For instance, Human Growth Hormone, which some athletes abuse to gain muscles and increase strength, can lead to the development of acne. The Human Growth Hormone can induce acne by stimulating the manufacturing of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), which can influence the actions of the sebaceous gland (Degitz & Ochsendorf, 709-722). Anabolic steroids influence on the production of sebum triggers the formation of sebum. Research indicates that an increase in sebum production leads to the creation of acne. The clogging of skin pores occurs excessive sebum builds up and enlarges the foramen. Acne-causing bacteria flourish in the closed pore and causes irritation and inflammation leading to visible acne lesions (Degitz & Ochsendorf, 709-722). Untreated acne may result in cysts, nodule, pustule and papule. Therefore an increase in sebum resulting from increased androgen leads to the potential development of acne. Athletes using steroids are at a higher risk of developing acne than in clean athletes. To avoid the risk of developing acne, athletes should avoid the use of anabolic steroids.

(d.) Kidney and Liver Complications Resulting from Anabolic Steroids Use. Anabolic Steroids, particularly oral methylated compounds, exerts pressure on an athlete’s kidneys. Overworking the liver causes the liver to increase its filtration rate to ensure toxins are eliminated from the body (Solimini et al. 7-16). Typically kidneys can handle the work; however, consistent strains leading to inflammation and scarring on the organs. However, the muscle density from AAS makes athlete’s prone to kidney damage and renal complications. AAS use is associated with cases of liver damage. Liver conditions such as hepatic adenoma and hepatic peliosis are generally linked to uses of anabolic steroids. High dosage of steroids, can increase an athlete’s systematic blood pressure which overworks the kidney. The extra load on the kidney comprises its filtration capacity and eventually destroys the organs. Unhealthy kidneys can allow the flow of toxins across the body and can overwhelm the immune system.

Some liver conditions resulting from an abuse of AAS include:

  • Hepatic peliosis: this is a medical condition where the liver lobes are blocked with nodulation having blood cysts (Solimini et al. 7-16). The condition causes the liver to enlarge and develops a deep red colour. Patients may exhibit right upper uneasiness and hepatomegaly. The disease may cause sudden abdominal pain and vascular collapse resulting from hepatic rapture. AAS discontinuation may worsen the condition. Athletes are engaging in abuse risk developing hepatic peliosis.
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma: the most severe health condition associated with AAS use is the development of hepatic tumours. The tumours can either be carcinoma (HCC) or adenoma (HCA) (Solimini et al. 7-16).  Clinical diagnosis is generally characterized with discomfort on the right upper quadrant and a hepatic mass discovered clinically or on specialized imaging. Routine liver examinations are often regular, except when there is widespread or breakage or any opportunistic liver disease.



(e.) Effects on the Cardio-Vascular System.

Prolonged use of anabolic steroids exposes users at risk of suffering from high blood pressure and various cardiovascular diseases (Neto et al. 231-244). AAS exposes athletes to risk of developing heart conditions like dysfunctional heart’s ventricles, artery damage, strokes and heart attacks. Steroids are responsible for cardiovascular diseases; they can decrease the amounts of high-density lipoproteins and increase levels of low-density lipoprotein. Any alterations to the two types of lipoproteins increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a medical condition in which fat molecules accumulate on the inside of arteries causing irregular blood flow (Neto et al. 231-244). The disruption of current through the arteries to the brain and the heart can result in a stroke or heart attack. The use of anabolic steroids exposes users to unhealthy blood clots inside the blood vessels. The blood clots may disrupt the regular flow of blood, thus leading to heart muscle failure making it pump blood ineffectively. To avoid exposure to the various cardiovascular conditions, athletes should prevent the use of anabolic steroids.

(f.) Hormonal Imbalances.

Steroids introduce synthetic hormones in the body there affecting average natural body production of similar hormones. The unnatural production of vital hormones in the body can cause complications like testicular atrophy, hypogonadism and reduced production of natural testosterone (Kujawska et al. 135-159). However, prolonged use of anabolic testosterone can lead to some permanent condition like baldness and enlargement of male breasts into female-like organs. Synthetic testosterone affects the natural action of the testis to produce natural testosterone. The reduced functioning of the testis aside from causing shrinkage increases the chances of developing cancer in the testis (Gaffney et al. 151-161). The risk becomes higher if athletes combine AAS with insulin-like growth factor. For female athletes, the hormonal imbalance from anabolic steroids leads to masculinization. The testosterone in the steroids encourages the development of male attributes such as deepened voices, shrinking breasts, coarse skin and muscular male-like appearance, in some extreme cases facial hair occurrence (Kujawska et al. 135-159). However, most of the effects of anabolic steroids are reversible through proper medical intervention.

(g.) Psychological impact and Addiction.

Anabolic steroids can help athletes develop leaner stronger muscles. Athletes can strengthen stronger muscles over a short period leading to better performance, physique and improving confidence. Anabolic steroids do not give users a high like other drugs (Bates et al. 1595-1612). However, the feeling of superior and enhanced self-esteem steroids become addictive. The addiction to the anabolic steroids occurs for various reason (Bates et al. 1595-1612). One of the reasons for addiction is that users tend to experience withdrawal symptoms, when they decide to reduce or stop using the drugs. Athletes will continue using the drugs to counter withdrawal symptoms like, anorexia, headaches, fatigue, depression joint pains and muscle soreness (Gaffney et al. 151-161).

The users also become addicted to the drugs because they experience obsessive-compulsive behavior to maintain their gains by continuous usage.  Research also shows that people using AAS also develop other psychological conditions such as irritability since the drugs can affect moods. AAS act as mood elevators by mimic the actions of anti-depressants. Withdrawing from intensive use of AAS leads to the “estrogen rebound” phenomenon (Gaffney et al. 151-161). The condition occurs when the body produces and releases the estrogen hormone at a higher rate than usual. The estrogen will lead to symptoms such as depression and other mental health conditions.

In conclusion, anabolic steroids has both positive and negative effects. The testosterone alter body function and experience by introducing synthetic hormone into the body especially testosterone. Athletes from various sports such as football and baseball continue to fall victim to the vice due to the potential benefits. However, there are many proven health effects that should discourage athletes from using the drugs. Sport organizations should provide regular testing sessions to help eliminate the vice. The government should also regulate the medical use of anabolic steroids to treat certain conditions. Protecting the athlete’s health in both the short term and long term should be integral when creating regulations over AAS.



Work Cited.

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Degitz, Klaus, and Falk Ochsendorf. “Acne.” JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 15.7 (2017): 709-722.

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Waller, Christopher C., and Malcolm D. McLeod. “A review of designer anabolic steroids in equine sports.” Drug testing and analysis 9.9 (2017): 1304-1319.


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