Women laughing poem review
Women laughing is a poem by Ursula Fanthorpe. Ursula expresses how women at different stages of life that is during adolescence, young adults, wives, mums, and as older women tolerate issues that unhappy issues. Ursula explores how society has made a woman tolerate unpleasing situations in every stage of their lives. The only stage a woman is maybe genuinely happy is when she is young before body changes and development since she has little responsibilities. Probably, women tolerating an unpleasant situation is an issue they should get used to, but I think it sounds an inequality on gender.
As Fanthorpe explains, adolescents girls laugh in a silly way to feel okay since they feel embarrassed about their body changes. Most of the teenage girls do not like the body changes that come with adolescence, such as pimples on their faces, enlargement of breasts and hips. The modern society places a standard that one to be beautiful must have specific body structures such as the smooth face, medium boobs, a well-shaped body with not too big hips, and no belly. Such standards make many teenage girls look down upon themselves, and to avoid showing they are okay and not depressed, they giggle. For males experiencing adolescence, there are no perfect or standard features for them; thus, they don’t experience any social pressure like adolescent girls.
Young women, too, are experiencing the pleasing phase. A young woman is in the period of looking for a husband or in the dating stage. For a woman to be attractive, she has to wear a smile often. I feel that it is not right for women to be centered based on certain qualities like laughing at non-humorous jokes to been seen as a lady. A frown woman is not a good woman to marry or is not fun to be with, as society acknowledges. A young lady should be taken as she is since other better qualities such as loyalty, kindness, and understanding matter more than appearances.
Wives, as expressed by Fanthorpe, are laughing at husbandly jokes in public. A wife is an asset in a marriage, and her behavior often determines the status of happiness of a relationship. Thus, wives are out here laughing just to be seen. They are in a happy marriage, and it might not be the case. A wife in society determines the future of the family, especially in emotions since the husband is the provider of the house. Hence they are forced to be happy. When a wife now gives birth to their children, a family begins. The mother is bombarded with the responsibilities of taking care of the children and even the husband. Often, a woman has to take maternity leave to take care of the newborn baby and her health. A woman is faced with a lot of challenges through maternal care and raising children, but yet she still puts a smile and laughs to show the world that she is strong.
Women in society face challenges which they often hide with the laughter of a smile. A woman is the backbone of a successful family and life. Women in their different stages such as adolescence are embarrassed about body changes which determine their beauty in society, but they brush it off with a peal of laughter. A woman taking care of a newborn baby or children has a lot of responsibility to make sure that they are okay, but they face challenges, but with laughter, they stand firm. A woman since childhood should be celebrated and accepted for who she is in society.