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what actions of King Creon make him a despot?

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what actions of King Creon make him a despot?

Creon is stubborn, dictator, and selfish in the manner in which he does double profanity by allowing Polynices body rot unburied and harshly buries Antigone alive. Creon is undoubtedly tyrannical. Creon is cruel to his dictatorial authority. Creon rejects submission to reason. Haemon, his son, shares with him Thebes’s residents’ views and jogs his memory that Thebes is no longer a city, owned by a single man. Creon banishes the intelligent reminders from his son by bluffly saying, the city belongs to the king, and that is the rule. When Haemon tries to make use of reason and illustrate on the worthy cause why Antigone disobeyed Creon’s order, Creon rejects to agree to them due to his hubris. Creon notices Antigone’s responsibility for honoring her sibling, yet he weeps. That he is not ready to demonstrate herself as a deceiver, not to my people, I will murder her. Creon is a cruel despot who does not hesitate to damage a person who intrudes in the acts of his tyrannical rule and image over Thebes.

Creon has taken over authority illegally. Creon, hyper –logical mind rejects to identify the links of familial affection that hold Antigone to polyneices. Creon disputes the unreasonable rules of the gods, which support the reasonable practices of man. Creon views the state as his asset as a leader. Creon refuses the laws set by the gods, terming them as irrational, and instead supports the perspective of man rules. Creon asserts the laws of man are more significant compared to those of the gods. Creon is a full tyrant, a ruler who recognizes the authority and dignity of the government wholly personal. Instead of taking leadership as a responsibility.

Based on Aquinas’ On Kingship, what is a king?

Aquinas writing on kingship comes near to fitting the definition of political essay, and yet this precise and incomplete paper hardly displays a heavy therapy of political ideology.  He claims that nature outlines how to act with reason, and the most suitable way to study the responsibilities of a king is concentrating on the examples of state that exist in nature. He implies acknowledging something, first being its material, which is nature, should be followed. Aquinas thought that the purpose of each king should be to conducted towards attaining the wellbeing of that which they take up to govern, and the king would be the most suitable to perform. Aquinas claims that if governing is conducted by many, the community and government are vulnerable to disunity. Aquinas was also of the thought that single governing is the natural arrangement of things. Aquinas reveals that the natural mechanism is to have a king. Cities ruled by more than one person are split with disagreements and cast about without peace. Aquinas asserts that a king should practice a passion for justice, mildness, and kindness of compassion when it applies to people who are under his rule. According to Aquinas, a theorist king is the ideal one to rule. According to Aquinas, regardless of monarchy becoming the most suitable kind of government with a theorist king being the head. The culture of rule by a single person can be the worst kind of government considering the theoretic king is the leader. Since authority in a monarchy is central, if a dictator governs the state, he will be capable of effectively and effectively perform what pleases him over the good of those he rules. Aquinas viewed other kinds of government as polarchy, e.g., republic, aristocracy, constitutional government, and oligarchy are part of polarchy governments.Aquinas was of the thought that the main issue with oligarchy is disunity.

Based on Machiavelli’s The Prince, how should a ruler act toward those he rules?

According to Machiavelli, a ruler should be focused to rule ruthlessly to survive, mostly when the ruler takes rule over a population regulated to liberty. And who becomes a ruler of a state-regulated to freedom and does not damage it, may anticipate being destroyed by it. It is crucial for a ruler anticipating to sustain his own to acknowledge how to act wrong and to utilize it or not depending on the necessity. According to Machiavelli, imperative survival needed keen attention to the kind of individuals the ruler selects to be within his or her government. Machiavelli claimed that a ruler should consider surrounding himself with a loyal, tiny group of reliable advisers.

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Who owns the capability to inform the ruler what they trust the ruler requires to hear. He who happens to become a ruler through election by people .should at all times maintain a good relationship with them. It is simple for the ruler to practice since all that they request is not to be treated harshly. Machiavelli’s bottom line is that the ruler should strive to be loved by those he rules, but be ready to murder them if compelled. The most significant attributes that Machiavelli thinks a ruler should possess are military ability, brilliant, and deception. Deception is an attribute Machiavelli considers essential for a ruler. A ruler must aim at being trusted compassionately and not harsh if he is to become an effective king. Machiavelli claims that it is not the king’s work to be loved, but rather be honored and feared. Though it does not imply that they should be cruel, .it is the work of the king to issue those under him steadiness and governance. A king cannot fetch attributes of Christian morality in conducting his roles as a king. Machiavelli believes that a place of Christianity exists, but not in kingship. A king should also be ruthless if necessary, and should also instill loyalty between his people. A king should also move together with his people if he wants to remain in power. That’s the reason why Machiavelli thinks that it their big mistake for a king to depend on mercenaries for protecting the realm. They owe their faithfulness entirely to money and not to the king or his people.

What punishments are just in a Commonwealth?

Punishment is evil bestowed by public power on a person that committed or evaded what is perceived by the same power as transgression of the rule.To the finality that the will of people may thereby be stronger inclined to obedience.

The sovereign has the freedom to discipline offenders to protect the safety of the commonwealth. The monarch also has the freedom to need particular subjects to penalize other questions for breaking the law. However, the sovereign cannot allow an offender to punish themselves since this breaks the fundamental freedom of nature, the freedom of self-preservation for which the monarch was developed. Moreover, the acts of the sovereign cannot be termed as illegal, since he is the law initiator, not ruled by it. Consequently, the monarch might get penalized. Disciplinary is a reward getting offered to a subject by the public power and might take the kind of remuneration or gift. The ruler is provided the freedom to discipline. Gaining independence runs from authorization – a procedure in which a representative is contracted to operate in aid of another individual. The acquisition of freedom is barely the substance of volume relinquishment of natural liberty. The sovereign’s practice of the freedom to discipline, the accused person has the freedom to reject his punishment. however, the unpredictable dispute among the respective exercise of liberty is not where the issue with the freedom to discipline falls

How does Marx view history?

Marx calculated human establishment across the entire existence in steps relying on peoples’ attachment to material assets; Primitive communism is a social-economic approach referred to as Marxism. It asserts that labors (proletariat) of capitalism society will at one-time rebel against the system and grab from the top classes (bourgeoisie)the channel of production. They will usher the chain of production into communal possession, rather than individual ownership. And develop a socialist approach that will purpose to sink the remaining parts of the capitalist plan to accomplish socio-economic sameness. Upon attainment and the channel, ways of production have been put aside to make it possible to generate enough goods. The society will change into complete communism. Where no states will exist, no individual property, no monetary system, no systems of class, and no central government.

Marx perceived the unfolding step of history as follows:

First, in the traditional and medieval society, the settled and wealthy ill-treated the slaves and the less fortunate workers and plebeians. As new technologies got introduced and the markets expanded and became firm, everything transformed. The average class – attained wealth and authority from manufacturing and trade and disputed the rule of the old governs. But within this time, a fresh challenge will arise among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Marx claimed that the bourgeoisie capitalist abused the proletariat. He acknowledged that the activities conducted by the proletariat developed massive riches for the capitalist. The products manufactured got sold with greater worth of the labor itself. The capitalist, who manages the manufacturing process, earns the profit. But the worker does not gain any added worth and does not benefit from his labor efforts.

Marx thinks that capitalism bears the seeds of its damage. He defined how the richness of the bourgeoisie relied on the efforts of the proletariat. Therefore, capitalism needs a below class. However, Marx forecasted that the progress of misuse of the average people would develop high resentment. Ultimately the proletariat would end up revolting against the bourgeoisie. The overall fight would result in the overturning of its supports and capitalism. Marx compares the current bourgeois society to the sorcerer, who is no longer in a position to manage the authority of the nether global whom he referred to through his spells.

Following capitalism proletariats defeat, a new class free society might arise based on the thought, from each one’s ability to each as per their requirements. In such kind of social wealth, industry, land, and work would get divided among all people. All people would have the freedom to education, and a structured class would vanish. Harmony would prevail, and the state would eventually fall away.

Based on Communist Manifesto, Is capitalism “bad”?

Based on, Marx’s approach to labor value. Capitalism is exploitative. From an economic perspective, exploitation got frequently associated with the takeover of labor for profit. According to Marx, capitalism has elements of its damage. As a result of the proletariat revolting against the bourgeoisie. Capitalism and its supporters would get overturned. Capitalism was just an essential lead for the growth of man, which would encounter political revolt before accepting the class-free society.

What is the appropriate role of government in a capitalist system?

Capitalism refers to as an economic approach In which a state’s industry, profits, and trade. It gets regulated by individual organizations instead of individuals whose energy and time operate those organizations. Capitalism does not ignore responsibility for centralized public power and coercion. The government must be present to safeguard personal assets right under the support of the military, courts, and police. Macroeconomic factors surrounding the business environment need government assistance to aid in streamlining it out. The government also encourages monetary and fiscal policy and even control of other business operations. Governments’ role is to safeguard peoples’ freedom for life, by getting rid of physically initiated force. The purpose of government is to make use of its monopoly to retaliate and protect those who begin using power. It solves disputes which come up and disciplines offenders according to aimed predefined laws. Under capitalism, it is the role of the government to safeguard rights as a referee. Under capitalism, a politician can only pass rules that were equitably protecting all citizens’ freedom. e.g., without interfering with the freedom of any of them.

Define disloyalty and explain whether it is truly the opposite of loyalty.

Disloyalty refers to any breach of loyalty, be it an individual, a cause or ones’ state, and whether it is an idea or in actions .in treachery, deception gets included in disloyalty.

Disloyalty and loyalty are opposite to each other. Loyal is being steady and not altering your trust towards any relationship or attributes, whereas disloyalty is failure to support to those you should hold up.

Explain the role of social order in criminal justice ethics.

Offenders justice ethics is the study of how ethics works in law enforcement places. Social order relates to man’s concern as a person for a safe and steady life around a well-ordered society. Social order instills order in the community. People require norms to control and direct their actions, to issue order and equality in communal relationships, and to create a sense of comprehending one another’s behavior.

Social order is a principled approach, in which people are liable to accomplish their civil responsibility. The acts of each person should be advantageous to society at large. in such a way; there must be equality among economic advancement and the wellbeing of the community and its surroundings. If this equality gets sustained, then social responsibility is attained. The social responsibility approach got developed on strategies of morals, in which acts and behaviors must become morally accepted before proceeding. If the actions or behaviors develop harm to society and its surroundings, then it would be perceived as a social carelessness

Ethical values present in society develop a comparison between what is right and evil. In this way, social equity is trusted to be the right, but more often than not, this equity does not exist. Each individual has to behave in a manner that is of advantage to the community and not personally.

Policing the society frequently raises moral situations into consideration that might be, but not restricted to, either of the following conditions: orderly justice, intervention, force application, internal affairs, injustice investigation, and recruitment. Social order is a significant foundation for criminal ethics.It creates a way to build people’s life, personal and social, to develop higher richness and peace in the community. Through human interaction, ethics can help individuals to establish trust and build a relationship in society. Unfortunately, social morals and responsibility are not exercised by American organizations beyond the U.S borders, and this makes monitoring challenging.

List three (3) things that you learned or take away from the movie, First Monday in October, that we viewed in class on Thursday, October 3, 2019.  Also, explain why those takeaways were surprising or interesting to you.

You should not strain the seating plan

As a person who has ever struggled to do a large seating arrangement plan will agree, it’s a sort of a political mini field. we, therefore, get to learn from Anna and place the calm individuals on the no man’s land of the outside table. Sevigny takes on her chin in her JW Anderson outfit when her sitting table is changed so that H&M can be near the money talks. The worst seat on occasion was given to her.

What you pay for is what you earn.

A lot of talks and discourse concerning Rihanna’s fee from Anna office o and Rihanna’s individuals is substantial.  In life, all that you get is was determined by what you invested. Props to RIRI for standing out for the highest dollar since around 35sec of her yellow outfit by Guo Pei, a Chinese designer on the red platform. the internet had busted into an ocean of omelet associated memes, and you wouldn’t proceed to Instagram for hashtags of Rihanna met ball

Celebrities are cool people

When Rihanna steps up on the dinner banquet table to perform, and the dinner gets started, the high table guests begin breaking some styles and dancing

explain why those take away were surprising or exciting to you.

It might not be a surprise to acknowledge that Anna is the one who has an overall say. Whether it’s concluding the design of the party, napkins, or merely when she is given her ordered venti coffee.


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