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8 Amazing Benefits of Using Meditation Cushions

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8 Amazing Benefits of Using Meditation Cushions

When I started my meditation journey, I was excited to reap the benefits. I am the kind of person that will take a bit of time before getting into something new. So before embarking on my meditation journey, I did a lot of research, both on the benefits and meditation styles and postures. One of the books I found particularly helpful was Practical Meditation for Beginners: 10 Days to a Happier, Calmer You

Now, I found a lot of styles out there. One that I felt was relatively easy and manageable for me was the sitting style. Not only is it comfortable, I also find it rather easy to execute. Of course, I am not stuck to this one option. I hope that as I continue meditating, I’ll be freer to discover new postures.

A while into my meditation practice, I found the sitting routine was not as comfortable. I felt like I was sitting in an uncomfortable posture, and this was distracting my concentration and relaxation. At times, it was difficult for me to meditate. The thought itself made me feel uncomfortable, and I soon realized I was associating the pain and discomfort with the practice of meditation. Sadly, I knew if I didn’t find a way around this, I would slowly lose my drive for meditation and the benefits that come along with it.

Not being someone to accept defeat easily, I decided to find a solution to make meditation more effective. Fortunately, I didn’t have to look far before getting a solution. I tried meditation cushions, and I immediately knew I had found the answer. While it may sound rather simplistic, the benefits of meditation cushions are great for most meditation styles. Furthermore, they took me back to the joy of meditation.

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Additionally, since I started using the cushions, I have noticed my meditation is not only more effective but that I am also meditating for longer.

While I am not a meditation expert, I would like to share with you a few benefits of meditation cushions I have personally experienced along my journey.

Have you ever used a meditation cushion? If so, I would really love to hear about your experience. And if you’ve experienced any of the benefits of meditation cushions, please do let me know as well.

Here are some of my top benefits of meditation cushions.

  1. Meditation cushions increase comfort during meditations

I had mentioned I did a lot of research before I started meditating. One of the recurring messages, which I’m pretty sure you’ve seen as well, is that of people seated. In most images, you see people comfortably seated on the ground, with their legs crossed every part –from the butt to the toes, touching the ground.

Naturally, when I started meditating, this is the position I decided to try. I suppose this was partially because of everything I had seen, this one seemed the easiest. Besides, if so many people could hack it, so could I, right?

When I started, I found it uncomfortable, but I persuaded myself to keep on and to push further. I knew the whole process wouldn’t be easy, and so I persisted. After a while, however, I started dreading it. I no longer wanted to meditate. So I had to look for a solution, and fast.

That was when I decided to get a meditation cushion.

All over a sudden, my experience changed! I was meditating for longer, and I was looking forward to my next meditation. What I found is the cushions make it easy for you on your back, butt, knees, and feet. I also found out that had I continued meditation without a cushion, it would lead to further discomfort and physical problems, such as back pain.

Now, I get that as you’re beginning, you may be tempted to try out the complex meditation postures, I certainly did. But, what I have realized is it’s best to start with the simple poses and work your way up.

However, even these more straightforward styles, need to be done right, and that’s where meditation aids such as the cushions come in handy.

When it comes to meditation cushions, there are a lot of varieties out there. I certainly have not tried them all, but of the few I have tried, one that stood out is the Buckwheat cushion with acupressure for stress relief. I liked it because of the extra comfort and relief for your bum.

Most of the meditation cushions available today are helpful for a number of postures, so even if you’re not doing the sitting posture, the cushion is still a must-have.

  1. Meditation cushions keep you going

The mind and how people perceive different things have always fascinated me. For instance, if you look at someone who ever gotten burned before, you’ll notice they get very cautious around a fire. While this is an extreme example, it helped me see how I was slowly losing the morale to meditate.

Before I got the best meditation cushions, I would set a few reminders and alarms so that I don’t forget to meditate. Even then, I would still skip meditating a couple of times a week – and the trend was growing. Even when I pushed myself to meditate, I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Since I got the cushion, all this has changed. I not only long for meditation, but I no longer need multiple reminders that I need to meditate. That said, I know we’re all different, and you may have a busy day or a lot on your mind and may need to set a reminder or two, and this is okay.

When I got my cushion, because of the comfort and ease it brought along, I wanted to meditate more. Here’s where it gets exciting, every time I would see my cushion, I would want to meditate, I started associating the cushion with the practice.

This helped me a long way in building my morale and consistency. If you are looking for a cushion that will help you keep going, I suggest you get one that enables you to feel calm and like you’re already in a meditation state. Here are some of the best meditation cushions to help boost your morale.

  1. Meditation cushions improve your posture

In recent times, there have been increased conversations on how different activities may ruin your back. More people require medical help from activities and sitting positions that are more harmful than good.

Unfortunately, meditation is no exception. If done wrong, it can lead to some physical back problems. You see, your spine has a definite shape; when you force it into another form, it could prove harmful. This is why experts advise you make sure you have proper back support, and if you work in an office or spend most of the day seated, then it’s a good practice to walk around several times within the day.

When it comes to meditation, some of those complicated moves can be somewhat uncomfortable. Fortunately, the cushion helps with this. Instead of sitting on a hard surface and injuring your back, butt, hips, and legs, the cushion offers a great alternative.

With a meditation cushion, you’ll be in a better position to align your back, that you don’t suffer any pain or adverse effects. There are ample resources that teach on how to sit right during meditation, one that I found rather practical was the book Just Sit: A Meditation Guidebook for People Who Know They Should But Don’t.

I know we all have different meditation styles, if you’re exploring a new style or you’re not sure you’re doing it right, here’s a book with more than a hundred easy and safe meditation techniques.

  1. Meditation cushions relief pain

As I’ve mentioned above, the start of my meditation journey was anything but swift. I experienced a lot of hurdles along the way. The determination and knowledge of the benefits I’d reap are what kept me going.

Sadly, I know of people who gave up meditating because it was too uncomfortable and sometimes painful for them. I would be the last person to judge anyone who’s ever tried meditating and quit, because I too, was on the verge of quitting a few times.

My biggest issue was the discomfort I’d get on my knees. Sometimes, it would be difficult even to walk straight the next day. After a few sessions, my knees and ankles would get very sensitive.

Luckily, when I started using a cushion, all of these problems went away. Professionally designed meditation cushions helped me almost immediately. Within a few sessions, I could no longer feel the stiffness of discomfort afterward.

If you have been experiencing some pain or discomfort, I would advise you to get a meditation cushion. Moreover, if you had given up meditating from the pain you’d experience, I’m happy to report there’s no pain when you’re using high quality cushions.

  1. They are easy to carry

Recently, I was traveling for a few days, and at first, I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to meditate. Then, I figured I could just carry my meditation cushion with me.

When I asked a friend who also meditates, she told me she carries her cushion whenever she travels. Her job required her to travel a lot, so she tells me she had to figure out a way of meditating while on the move.

Intrigued, I asked her for some advice, and she told me she always meditates when she gets up. This ensures that wherever she is, she still gets to meditate. Additionally, she tells me she’s learned to create a meditation space in hotels. She chooses one corner of the room and decides that to be her meditation spot. She’s also used the bathroom and a local park as meditation spots.

When I heard this, I was even more convinced it’s possible to meditate anywhere. You just need a bit of creativity and your meditation cushion with you.

There are also inflatable meditation cushions, which make it easier for you to carry around. I not only brought my meditation cushion while I was traveling, I also found it was easy to get a meditation spot in your room, and it’ll feel like you’re back at home.

  1. Meditation cushions keep you alert

There are various ways to meditate, and you can use different objects to aid the process. Besides cushions, meditating while seated is also quite common. When I tried meditating on a seat, I fell asleep severally. I’m certain this is not everyone’s experience, but I’ve found out that people who meditate when tired are more susceptible to sleep.

When I’m meditating on a cushion, I can keep alert while benefiting from the practice. If you have a problem of snoozing when you’re meditating on a chair, you may want to switch to meditation pillows.

  1. Meditation cushions offer a variety of styles

One of the most common myths I’ve come across is the limitations of cushion meditation. This, however, couldn’t be any further from the truth. Even with a cushion, you still have an array of meditation techniques and styles.

For example, with the help of the meditation couch, you can meditate in a number of styles ranging from the full lotus, the Burmese pose, the Sieza Pose –also known as the kneeling pose, half lotus and sitting up against a wall.

Moreover, this is not a limitation to the styles. It is just a few of the ones I can think of, and if in your search you find another, you should give it a go. You can also customize these styles to fit you better, do not feel constrained by any of the styles.

  1. Meditation cushions can serve as Yoga props

Meditation and Yoga are closely related. As a matter of fact, many people will often start with Yoga as a preparation for the meditation session.

While each practice has its own equipment and accessories, some do overlap. The meditation cushion is a good example, you can use it while meditating, and you can also use it in Yoga. The cushion can also serve as a yoga bolster.

Finally, everyone has their experience when it comes to meditation, and no one way is set to be the best. What you accomplish through a style may be difficult for someone else. Being relatively new to meditating, I’m glad I experienced the benefits of meditation cushions as they have had a tremendously positive effect on my life. I would also love to hear from you: What tips have worked out for you, or what advice did you find particularly helpful and would like to share with us.

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