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Gender equality and women empowerment

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Gender equality and women empowerment

Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality.

According to the current statistics, it is indicated that the issue of gender equality and empowerment in women is so sensitive. As a driver of economic empowerment, those in authority are requested to respect the rights of the women and give them gender equality. For instance, it is so painful the moment we see our young women being mistreated based on their gender reason. Giving women poor wages will affect their economic, wellbeing, and it is so painful, if women spend equal working hours as their male counterparts, but receive differed amounts of salaries’ social class is going to be developed, the poor women will be excluded and given less attention in a matter of business. The women also may suffer from poor treatment and consideration from their male counterparts. Women operating a global business might receive bad reactions and comments from the people in society, their business gets rejected, and even the rich might manipulated their business by buying products at lower prices since the women need to make sales they have no otherwise rather than selling at the available offers. The overall outcome is reduced payment and poor economic outcomes, negatively affecting the country’s economy.

Gender discrimination hinders women from participating in an existing market. The moment that women are excluded from involving themselves in the local or international business, they are harassed, they do not have the freedom to run business. It is the high time that women be given, the opportunity to know, how to be independent, run their small business in the society and participate in making the economic development (Brieger, et al, 2019)t. A similar case will apply when more women are given job opportunities; they will have the capacity to think innovatively, on how to run business. Develop the whole concept of global business perspective and experience the best, ways of conducting and participating in global business. Freedom to exercise the rights of serving the community by the provision of the required services and products in the market makes the country move develop economically.

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Without control over productive resources, then women will stay inactive and less interested in matters of economic development. In other words, it is important to make the woman part of the human resource needed in the economy of a country (Brieger, et al, 2019). Gender mainstreaming in global businesses very important; it makes women recognize their role in making the world a better place to carry out business and perform. It is, therefore, important to ask business people from all over the world more so both the small business and corporate stakeholders to rethink their business. Including matters of gender and equality in the global business will result in the development of the economy of the country.

When women are alowe4d to participate in the campaigns and to create awareness on gender balance and development of better resources enhancement in the society ,it will result to creation of job opportunities and capability of the poor and unemployed persons in society to get, access to the best knowledge of how they could start from the bottom, see financial guidance and support, start their small business with better focus of improving their economic level and at long last thrive to more significant business (Gupta, et al, 2019). Gender mainstreaming has the potential to ensure that there is a proliferation of new business ventures in the market. Meeting the need of society is among the key concern of the global business, so we need women to be allowed to participate in meeting the social, economic needs of the society.

Women’s empowerment on global business can result in having access to decent work when the women in our societies are educated and given the necessary resource. Business managers, Ceos, and owners of entrepreneur firms will be witnessed in society (Gupta, et al, 2019). It is very important to note that a community without decent work can be termed as a poor performer in the economic development of the county. The inclusion of women to decent joins, where their male counterparts are working, could be a bigger determiner of change in society. Interestingly a community should always be developed based on the potential and capability of the community to achieve the goals of sustainability.

According to the recent surveys in the developing countries, it is important to think about how women will have a better role in society if granted a Control over their own time. Being their boss, they will be responsible for determining their working environment, set the standards of the business, and the law and policies governing their business operations (Bayeh, 2016). Women will have the freedom to utilize their free time in giving back to society by getting involved in business participation, starting and running the business ventures of their interest. Managing their jobs and maintain the proper standards of the working condition will ensure that the work environment is better and welcoming to the employees. Starting new local ventures will positively impact the economy. The items become easily accessible, and everyone will have a better time and moments to make use of locally available goods and services. Generally, this will result in better living standards of everyone associated with the business (Bayeh, 2016). The problem of unemployment will be sorted out since many people will get job opportunities, resulting in the improvement of the relationship among the community members. Overall observation will be that women can be drivers of economic change if empowered and given their rights to give their best.

Gender balance is a better option to solve the problem of gender inequality — every woman looking g forward to have an increased voice. Right from starting at the village level, the women’s voice is so important, respecting the women’s advice and opinions could fully transform society. Women understand the issues affecting society more than men (Fredman & Campbell, 2016). Spending most of their time in the family and interacting with the few community members makes the women in the community to remain, focused and updated on what is rely needed by the community members and the best solution. For instance, the women in business understand the different market opportunities market threats as well as the existing market segmentation. It is through listening to their voices that we could be able to know and figure out what is expected and needed by society (Fredman & Campbell, 2016). The different market location has different products that are profoundly moving due to demands or season of the year. Women are good monitors of such business operation; the fact is, among most of the population, women are actively participating in buying so compered to men.

Meaningful participation in making a decision is another reason we need to make women developed a sense of belonging. Even in the major, cooperates, the female workers should be consulted and included in contributing the opinion that is needed for the business to is very important to rethink the business that every female worker is chairing the strategic planning committee. It would be a guarantee that the matter of women and women inclusion in the business operation could be raised and majorly discussed (Gupta, et al, 2019). The best solution towards meeting the goals of the community members could be creating business sector that focuses on listening and inclusion of the community members .mostly respect in the girl child and women inclusion in playing critical roles in the is essential to give fair and equal job allocation to the women and the society at large . Generally, we will have a business that has more or the same number of women playing significant roles just like the male. Think of how society will then grow without women being over-dependent on men. The global business could also be increased by the efforts of electing and giving the women roles to be leaders in the employees union and trade and labor union. It is through this opportunity that even the women at the grass-root level will feel empowered and consider moving up from the grass to the top. This is after listening to the voice of a woman, prepared to empower them, and guide them toward meeting the expected and required set standards for the woman in the society (Gupta, et al, 2019). The world will be transformed to a new place if we could have, many female state leaders than men, I believe that the female stat leader, will also attract any female in the society to develop in leadership not only in the political sector abut along with the economic and business sector.

The 2030 UN development goals on sustainable development can be achieved if we include the women in the society in the participation and develop programs that could result in closing the gender gap. It will be only through active participation, campaigning, and resource provision as well as all other relevant action related to improving the lives of the women in society. i, this is very important to learn, which caused women and men to appear to be living in different planets. Men almost own everything o earth yet (Bayeh, 2016). They have set their background using the same way their female counterparts did. It is only that there is a lack off confidence in women. The gender stereotypes in the community present women as less powerful and with little idea and not much involved in working for themselves. Women are used to depending on being supported by the men in the society. Financial support is not inadequate. Still, at some times, there is a need for becoming responsible and ready to feel the self-esteem and confidence of working for themselves and raising their own money to meet their basic personal needs. The United states vision 2030 goals are to ensure that the gender gap is closed and not more difference between men when it comes to work and working relations. The men in society should work with fewer issues of mistreatment women or seeing themselves as much important as women (Bayeh, 2016). Both genders should participate in fighting the issue of gender inequality. Together, both parties could set the most appropriate solution to any problem that is gender-based and develop better strategies aimed at improving the whole community. The global business is most likely going to be enhanced by the action plan of closing the gender gap. More women will be included in the business. Men will have better ways of living now that the women will be fewer dependents on them; it generally means that the economy of the county will be politely improved (Brieger, et al, 2019). The general global economic contribution of different businesses that fact gender mainstream in their operation will also result in better performance of the business in the society and foster unity in community development.

Increased opportunities from women to participate in global business will result in many best fits. It is important to note that there will be increased chances of helping to reduce poverty in the society (Cornwall & Rivas, 2015). Empowering women to participate in the activities that would make them acquire some money to cater to their living standards and meet their family needs too will help in eradication poverty. This issue is associated with gender inequality. The moment that women are not involved in the economic production activities like business, getting on, then they will remain less active and unable to participate in the contribution towards the growth of the community. The provision of jobs and resources to women is a crucial solution to the problem of poverty that results from gender inequality (Brieger, et al, 2019). Giving women in our society more job opportunities will lead to improving their living conditions, making them move forward, driving the economy of the nation toward a better direction. It should be noted that it is only through empowering women to understand themselves, their roles and the impact they can bring to the society after closing the gender roles could be the solution to the society at large. Help to end poverty. Reduce inequalities

According to the research and consideration of the current state of gender issues. It is important to note that the issue of reduced inequalities in society could result in many social problems (Fredman & Campbell, 2016). Any social problem in society means that there will be lower chances of the business moving towards meeting the needs and its objectives and goals. This could be based on the ability of the business to overcome the current challenges in the region. It is important to note that crime and corruption or homeless results from gender inequality (Fredman & Campbell, 2016). Crime may negatively affect the global business; lack of peace among the business owners will hinder them from opening new business ventures in the new markets. Additionally, it could be a challenge when the business is exposed to corrupt workers; they may divert the business focus on how to solve the ongoing challenge rather than concentrating on making profits and serving the community with the appropriate products.

Closing that exists between the male and female gender is, will include some efforts like, promoting the employment, and giving the job opportunities to both the poor and the woe in the society. This prepares the women to be economically fit and facilitates the need for having a well-constructed and robust society (Gupta, et al, 2019). The community and social wellbeing are very key in making the community a successful place to live, and importantly women will feel their role in making the community a better place to live in. It is the economic empowerment through the creation of jobs that facilitates the growth and development of the new project in the society, New facilities, and programs aimed at improving the living condition of the community will result from increases in the growth of the local economy. Right from the small local business to the international business, people will have to focus on getting the opportunity of working to serve not only the local people but the immigrant’s ant the international population (Falb, et al, 2015). It is important also to realize that women in society are very important, very social, and can be used as crucial contributors to the spread of the news of the business sustainability concept. This will generally result in doing the business that e most important and very unique in the market, making the attraction of many people toward growing their business.

It is important if many international women conferences could be held. The main global issues and the challenges in gender could be the top point of discussion (Brieger, et al, 2019). Women from all corners of the world should participate actively and contribute to the opinion of their community towards improving the perception of the women from the business perspective. Women should be educated and trained to develop experience and skills in leadership, managerial skills, and team leader in large business firms. Gender gaps and causes of inequality could also be raised in such a conference, the people in the society need to consider

In conclusion, the essay is seeking Achievement of gender equality .fighting gender equality will contribute positively to global economic development Research shows that in the community will also result in positive community development (Cornwall & Rivas, 2015). Any activity or project in the community that contributes towards meeting the needs of the comity means that there is a possibility of economic advancement and at least removing any case of gender discrimination in the society., It is important to note that, we need to take care of the issue such as inequalities in the community act ivies, not good to favor specific gender, discrimination based on gender can also result in a more significant challenge (Bayeh, 2016). The gender gap is created by gender discrimination. It is important to think about how to improve the current state in the community. It is important to have a community with achieved gender equality. The moment when all people are represented in the development programs, it means that they will get exposed to development, which could result in the improvement of the community programs. From a global perspective, gender equality is one of the efforts to achieve equal economic representation.

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