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Extra Ordinary Leader,Mr. Martin Zogg

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Extra Ordinary Leader,Mr. Martin Zogg

            The subject for my research paper was Mr. Martin Zogg, who is the executive director at the International Rescue Committee in Los Angeles; The International Rescue Committee is an organization that helps refugees across the world when events such as disasters and conflicts emerge. Mr. Martin Zogg was chosen because he is an exemplary leader who has an impressive background. There was no better role model than him. I had the opportunity to work in the organization and was thus able to notice the different management responsibilities he had to do within the organization. His efforts to help refugees in the Middle East impressed me since I am a newly arrived caseworker from Iran. Mr. Martin Zogg has various leadership traits that prove he is best suited for the job as executive director at the International Rescue Committee, and I observed that he has excellent communication skills that require him to promote the organization at different events. He was able to deliver different messages to the employees at the company effectively. It has been noted that the most challenging aspect involved when running a nonprofit organization is fundraising (Li, 2016). Mr. Martin Zogg is ideally suited for this, and I was able to observe he possessed excellent storytelling skills that come in handy when requesting people to donate their hard-earned money. He is also able to build and maintain relationships with the community, which is a vital aspect to have as an executive director. The organization is dependent on donors to run its operations, and one has to have a genuine curiosity about the people he is interacting with, which he seems to do every time he interacts with different donors who visit him at his office. He is also very vocal about the short and long term goals the organization hopes to meet. An executive director should be able to prove he has a sense of direction to gain the trust of workers and stakeholders’ and Mr. Martin Zogg continuously established he possesses these qualities. He chairs meeting with staff members where outlays the objectives the organization hopes to achieve. He always tries to bring his workers to the conversation and actively encourages them to air difficulties they might be experiencing in the workplace. He has other different crucial responsibilities and is without a doubt that he is an essential part of the organization.

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Figure 1.1: Mr. Martin Zogg

Mr. Zogg was an ideal candidate for the interview since he is an easily approachable individual, and all the times I had interacted with him; he was always eager to answer any questions that I might have had. As a caseworker who aims to help people in vulnerable situations, I was more than impressed at the crucial role. Mr. Martin Zogg plays in maintaining this organization that helps refugees and vulnerable persons. The International Rescue Committee is a non-governmental organization that offers humanitarian aid across multiple locations in the world. It was founded in 1933 as the International Relief Association after Albert Einstein requested for its formation. Its name changed in 1942 after it unified with the Emergency Rescue Committee (Coghlan et al., 2017). Its objectives were to give short and long term assistance to refugees affected by war. The organization runs its operations in around 40 countries and has offices in 26 cities in the United States where refugees are resettled while assisting them to gain work in different sectors (Coghlan et al., 2017). The organization consists of first responders, relief workers, health caregivers, and experts. The organization has assisted millions of people across the continent.

The Interview

             It was a complicated process to find an appropriate time to book Mr.Zogg since I am a full-time student and am only available for two days a week. However, after my efforts, I was able to establish an interview in the afternoon with him. The interview was as follows:

  1. Who is Martin Zogg; please give me your educational and professional background.

I first did my B.A. in history and then decided to pursue a Masters in journalism, focusing on comparative and international law. I decided to practice journalism for a few years but quit in 1992 to join IRC in the role of county director in a station in former Yugoslavia where I was responsible for distributing IRC relief to refugees, and internally displaced peoples in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro. In 1994 I decided to work for the United Nations Relief, and Works Agency station in Jerusalem as a Refugee Affairs Officer. I was part of a team responsible for protecting individuals in volatile areas. In 1996 I decided to move back to the U.S. and went to work at the International Medical Corps in Santa Monica. I first worked there as a senior desk officer, and later as director of international operations. I was responsible for directing operations and responding to different emergencies across the world. In 2013 I joined the California Endowment health foundation dealing with grant management, policy development, and I was also involved in the unveiling of the organization’s strategic planning. In August 2012, I decided to join IRC again as the executive director, a role I have been serving to date. I also serve as the current chair of the State Advisory Council for Refugee Assistance and services and also briefly chaired the Refugee Forum of Los Angeles.

  1. That’s quite an impressive resume sir, would you explain your experience working for this organization?

Well, I am still thankful to the board of directors for keeping faith in me this far. The International Rescue Committee has helped me achieve an urge I have had since childhood to take care of the less privileged in society, especially refugees. Ever since my tenure began, there has unfortunately been an influx of conflicts across the globe.  I am proud that I have been able to manage our response as we try and make lives better for these unlucky individuals.

  1. Now let’s talk about your finances and funding. How has The International Rescue Committee been able to source and maintain its operations?

Almost all activities are funded by the American people, especially those in urban settings who believe in the fantastic work we do and have the urge to help people in less privileged positions. We also receive funding from different donors across the world. We just recently received a convoy of German lawyers who pledged to help in our quest to resolve the refugee crisis in the Middle East.

  1. You have experienced success and enormous growth since your appointment as Executive Director. What is your secret behind this success?

I know firsthand that the whole team at IRC is responsible for some of the successes we have achieved. It is not a one-person job. We are all passionate about the work we get to do every day, and it is an honor that our efforts have received national and international coverage. We have received assistance from unexpected sources, but I believe we are not there yet. Our efforts are genuine, and thus I think we will receive more help to fund our activities.

Picture 1.2: Marin Zogg speaking at a conference

  1. Speaking of your activities. Is there a permanent solution to the refugee problem in Europe?

There is simply no easy solution to this problem. There is no magic spell to end it, but there are different things to be done to improve the lives of these people. Various short term activities could be done to decrease the suffering of these people. Most of these refugees are stuck in camps characterized by unhygienic conditions. We conducted a visit a few months ago at a camp in Calais, and the people are living in unsanitary conditions. I have seen other camps in better conditions, and thus more has to be done. I would like to recognize the great work done by organizations such as UNHCR and Mercy Corps, who are aiding millions of people by providing them with essential supplies. We are planning to look for more donors to support us in this mission.

  1. There seems to be a difference in attitude towards refugees compared to previous times like after the Second World War. What is the difference now, and is there anything that can be done to change this?

First, it is not everywhere that the response has been inadequate. Some countries have decided to respond with sympathy as they have willingly taken in these refugees. These actions have been admirable. However, there is still room for improvement as political activities in some areas have hindered efforts to relocate these people. I believe this does not represent humanity values upheld by different societies. Countries such as Germany have been generous to these refugees. It is not fair to concentrate solely on the few parties who differ with these humanitarian efforts.

  1. You have spent a considerable amount of time with refugees. Are there any people or stories that have stuck on you?

Of course, there has been!! Different people have moved me, and I have been stunned by the resilience to have to face the difficulties they encounter. I really can’t single out one story or persons; they all share the same voice of hope for a better future. I pray that I will help more people during my tenure in the organization.

  1. From experience, when you have feelings of discouragement or fear, how do you maintain your confidence?

Challenges are a part of life, and I have faced diverse problems that have put me on the verge of quitting. To keep feelings of doubt and fear afar, I put my trust in God, and also try to take naps as much as possible. I also have colleagues and mentors who offer me much needed support. It is quite impossible to do this alone; one has to have a support system that keeps me going.

  1. What is the most challenging part of running an NGO? What are the challenges that you have to overcome frequently?

Two things come in mind: Firstly, financing is a remerging issue since we aim to do as much as possible. However, limited resources limit the people we can help. Secondly, maintaining trust with colleagues, shareholders, donors, and communities that host us. These tasks sound simple, but it is a difficult job balancing these responsibilities of maintaining trust.

  1. To any person who might read this but possess thoughts of self-doubt on whether they can accomplish what you have, what would you say to them?

I would like them to know that with God by your side, nothing is impossible. Be passionate and selfless, and believe God will guide you through difficulties. It is also vital to cry once in a while when need be, sleep well, and look on the bright side when faced with difficulties

  1. Any last words as we wind up our interview, Sir?

I never lack anything to say, my friend. First, I would like to encourage any refugee that might be reading this. Please have hope, and don’t give up on a better life. Secondly, I would like to invite any other person to contribute towards this journey of helping disadvantaged people across the globe. Thirdly, I would like to thank my colleagues for their invaluable support in helping attain the objectives of the organization. Finally, I would like to thank all donors who have helped keep our operations alive and to you, of course, for choosing me as your role model.

Picture 1.3: Martin Zogg at a fundraising event


The five practices of leadership are 1. Challenge the process where leaders are expected to find different ways to innovate and grow professionally, 2.Inspire a shared vision where leaders are expected to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals, 3. Enable others to act where leaders are expected to work with others to achieve success, 4. Model the way whereby leaders are expected to set an example with their behaviors in the workplace, 5. Encourage the heart whereby leaders are expected to evaluate and appreciate work done by employees. There is no doubt that the five practices of effective leadership are followed in this organization.

The first practice is that a leader should be able to challenge the process by being innovative and creative professionals. During the interview, Mr. Martin Zogg had mentioned that facing difficult situations head-on is a quality a manager like him should possess. Leaders should learn from difficult situations and adapt as circumstances change.Mr. Martin Zogg always seeks new challenges that make him innovative at the organizational level.

The second practice is the inspiration for a shared vision by constantly reminding workers of the organizational goals they are expected to meet. Mr. Martin Zogg, from the interview, was able to demonstrate that he has an overall goal of helping refugees across the globe. He describes different innovative ways to get donors. His passion for the organization spreads to everyone working beside him. He communicates efficiently on the goals workers have to achieve continuously. Great leaders should also be future-oriented, which Mr. Martin Zogg demonstrated by indicating plans to obtain more donors. Everyone knows what is expected from them, and, with his leadership objectives are met often.

The third practice is that leaders should enable others to act by encouraging teamwork in the workplace. When Mr. Martin Zogg was asked to give the secrets behind his success at the organization, he was quick to share credit with his colleagues. This is an essential virtue as leaders know they can’t achieve much without help from their colleagues. He also occasionally meets up with team leaders who help foster collaboration between the different departments. He is also quick to inform us about new work policies or changes, and continuously encourages people to perform to their best capabilities.

The fourth practice is that leaders should be able to model the way at their places of work. This is done by setting an excellent example in the workplace. He is an example of what leaders should be like since he does not take advantage of his position when implementing changes in the workplace. Most of the time, he arrives to work before everyone else and takes into account small office rules that may not apply to him. People are motivated in the workplace to be always punctual since Mr. Martin Zogg is still consistently early. He always knows how to maintain momentum as little victories are celebrated continuously at work.

Finally, the last practice is that a leader should be able to encourage the heart by assessing and appreciating work done by employees. It has been well established that people tend to be passionate in their workplaces when they are passionate about the task they are doing. Leaders should be able to motivate their followers with passionate personal stories that make them more approachable. Mr. Martin Zogg has a great personality with the skills to interact with every kind of person. This is a vital skill that Mr. Martin Zogg possesses, and that makes him an exceptional executive director.



Despite that Mr.Zogg is an ideal role model in the organization, there needs to be the identification of other leaders in the organization who can help mentor different workers in the organization. He manages to help people even against the odds as he did when he helped a refugee family from Iran settle in Los Angeles after many years of adversity. A mentorship program to train team leaders on leadership skills would be a positive step. These team leaders should be taught on appropriate interaction skills with employees who determine the productivity of the worker and encourage more collaboration with another department in the decision-making process. Current managers in the organization who possess leadership traits should be observed to identify if there are any leadership gaps in the organization. It was established from the findings that potential leaders in the organization are not provided with opportunities to continue learning and develop their leadership skills. Seminars and training programs offer ideal opportunities for one to sharpen their leadership skills. Since the organization lacks enough funds to reimburse its workers on these programs, leaders and potential leaders should make investments for their careers and enroll in leadership programs. It not compulsory to enroll in a tedious traditional program as one can quickly obtain these skills by taking advantage of different learning resources found online.

Despite the many good traits he has and the incredible work done byMr. Martin Zogg, I identified a leadership gap that perhaps could improve the work performance of workers in the organization when implemented. He does not encourage constructive criticism very much from his colleagues or managers. Colleagues enable one to grow professionally as well as develop more persuasive leadership skills. They might also help the leader identify strengths and weaknesses he may not have known about. Finally, another option that can potentially strengthen leadership skills is encouraging different leaders in the organization to stay updated on current business trends, which can also impact the activities of the organization. Leaders should often be encouraged to search for leadership blogs and newsletters, after finding useful data, it is also crucial that one shares new information with their colleagues. This not only elevates one’s position among workers but establishes the leader as a valuable resource within the organization while highlighting one expertise in the industry.

I gained lots of valuable information from working at the International rescue committee. Not only was I able to aid amazing people who sacrifice a lot in their quest to help refugees, but I also met a mentor of mine who encouraged me to fulfill my potential.




Coghlan, B., Ngoy, P., & Mulumba, F. (2017). Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An Ongoing Crisis. New York, NY: International Rescue Committee; 2007.

Li, Y. (2016). Introduction: Challenges and opportunities for NGOs in different parts of the world. In NGOs in China and Europe (pp. 21-40). Routledge.


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