multimodal approach
I have chosen charts as the multimodal approach to the argument without sources essay. Charts have been in use for a long time as they provide an easy way to interpret data. Distributions and trends are easily illustrated in the form of a chart as compared to a table filled with raw data.
The plan to create the multimodal aspect
The aural and haptic feedback systems are used to create charts having the desired multimodal aspect. The feedback systems help develop complex online and digital content to help people with visual impairments. To gather the necessary data, I enquired from 10 persons using braille displays and screen readers. The method used to gather information aimed at understanding how visually challenged individuals comprehend information on two-dimensional business charts. Out of the ten people, eight responded, giving an explanation of how the multimodal aspects help them in learning. I choose the population because there is a need to use multimodality in order to understand the methodologies used in reading content on charts. I asked questions on whether the use of braille displays and screen readers help read content on charts to help me design the charts bearing desirable multimodal aspects. I learned that the sight aiding devices helps the blind comprehend information provided on charts. The results are relevant because they align with the need to offer multimodal comprehension devices to assist in the learning process.
What should the multimodal aspect look like?
The charts bearing the multimodal aspect should like a unimodal distribution. The charts should bear unimodal characteristics like having one clear peak, which first rises and then decreases. The appearance of the multimodal aspect would increase interaction with the chart to obtain stipulated messages. The structure of the chart helps guide and summarize critical data carried by the multimodal aspect. Besides, the charts should also have graphic texts written in thin straight lines hence creating an interaction between information graphics and language.
Purpose of the multimodal aspect
The charts used as multimodal aspects provide an electronic medium created in the form of digital modes. The charts are used to interlace different forms of mode delivery into writing and layout, thus considering future aspects of multimodal aspects. The purpose of the multimodal aspect utilizes electronics to add to my argument stipulation on the use of two-dimensional business charts. The context of the essay is improved because the multimodal aspect creates a haptic sense through the use of tiny lines on the charts.