

NURS 6670 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION INITIAL POST Insomnia Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by trouble falling or staying asleep. (“Insomnia and its causes,” 2016) The condition can be acute or chronic and is mainly caused by psychiatric, medical, biological, and unhealthy sleep habits, among others. There are two types of insomnia. Primary insomnia is a type whose problems are not associated with any health or medical problem. Secondary insomnia is caused by a health condition such as arthritis, cancer, asthma, depression, pain, and substance abuse, among others(“Insomnia and its causes,” 2016). Diagnostic Criteria for Insomnia According to the American Psychiatric Association, 2013, the diagnostic criteria for insomnia (DSM-5) include difficulty in maintaining and initiating sleep for at least three months. This sleep disturbance should cause significant distress and impair the patients’ social, occupational, academic, behavioral, and educational life. Despite the patient having adequate opportunity to sleep, the sleep difficulty should occur, but at least for three nights every week. The condition should not be better explained by any other sleep-wake disorder and does not exclusively occur in…

Many people wish to grow spiritually and have a common purpose on which to focus their attention and energy on. There are many cultural rituals that people engage to help them meditate and dedicate their souls in search of a clearer mind. Meditation is one of these rituals that people engage in to help them clear their thoughts and help them focus on things that they perceive essential in their lives. Other people find practices such as yoga dancing helpful to improve their minds grow and concentrate on crucial matters. These activities help their bodies and minds heal from situations that always disturb and affect their mental health negatively.   The Tibetan Singing Bowl Set is a bowl handcrafted in the Nepal nation that people use for healing and mindfulness. This product is handcrafted from the bronze metal and is in the shape of a dish. It comes with a wooden sticker and a hand-sewn cushion on which to place it. The product is of high quality as there is a thorough inspection done to ensure its quality. It is…

Heritage Assessment Comparison Between the Differences in Health Traditions Between Vietnamese, Indian And American Culture A distinct difference between Vietnamese, Indian and American culture with regards to health traditions is which family members make or have the greatest influence when making decisions when it comes to patient care. In the Vietnamese culture, the decision making follows a hierarchy with the husband at the top making all the decisions while in American culture decision making is a process involving equal input by spouses (Galanti, 2000). In contrast, in Indian culture, the decision making process is left to the wife and  husband wife and in serious case a religious leader is consulted (Worthington & Gogne, 2011). Indian culture has traditionally held illness as a spiritual affliction however America culture relies on the modern medicine to determine the cause of illness. Vietnamese culture blames illnesses on super natural entities such as evils spirits and sorcery. Traditional medicine has a played an important role in Indian health tradition which is also known as unani and their treatments consist or herbs and spices as well…

Addiction to Prescription Pain Medication essay  Abstract Understanding the Prescription pain medication abuse signs, symptoms and treatment issue of major concern in this paper. Additionally, the essay aims at comparing and contrasting   various approaches used to handle the problem of prescription pain medication. Through, analyzing   signs and symptoms, predisposing factors related to addiction and misuse of pain medication. It could be aid in showing the current situation in the modern American society .Understanding the Addiction to prescription pain medication abuse is very important in ensuring that there is a health and safe population in America. In America, Prescription Pain Medication Abuse is increasingly a critical problem. Most problems among many of the individuals fail to take the provided prescriptions keenly. Opioid painkillers like sedatives and Oxytocin’s are common prescription abused drugs. Most commonly these problems are common among young people. In our country, prescription drug abuse is becoming a serious challenge since the majority in the society fail to keenly take misuse of Prescription Pain Medication being a serious issue. Meaning that they do not consider the health consequences that…

WHY WRITING AN ESSAY WITH ACADEMICIANS IS BETTER THAN DOING IT YOURSELF Traditionally, education is one of the most well-known professions globally. This is because almost all individuals in the world engage in one form of education or another. However, with current challenges in the world and with the introduction of new technology, writing an essay with academicians with more knowledge and experiences has proved to be better for many individuals than writing the articles themselves. When you seek help from academic writing from academicians around the world, you will be able to gain knowledge from educators and scholars around the world. You should seek assistance from academicians than writing your essay. Writing your essay with the help of academicians is better than doing it yourself. This is due to the several benefits you will gain, as discussed below. When you get help in academic writing from academicians and scholars around the world, you will be able to seek guidance from scholars across the globe. These scholars have the knowledge and experience required to analyze, critical discuss, and convey the…

tips for yoga beginners are vital for every yogi Either you are a beginner in yoga or want to get in shape as soon as possible; here are some best yoga tips for you. Yoga is one of the best ways to control your emotions and physical form. If you want to get the best results in less time, you need to practice some yoga tips for beginners. 2020 is the high time to get in shape. If you have set fitness goals for 2020, start doing yoga right now. Don’t push yourself too hard at the beginning. You need to understand the true spirit of yoga for the best results. Here are some most effective yoga tips for beginners. These tips for yoga beginners are vital for every yogi. Keep in mind these best tips for yoga: Find a Yoga Teacher For beginners, having an excellent yoga instructor is important. With a good teacher, yoga is always more fun and effective. Yoga is not difficult, but there are little things that need your focus. There are several exercises and…

The Wondrous Yoga Blocks   Yoga acts as the most critical activity in the 21st century. Everyone knows that yoga builds metabolism and develops flexibility. Can the urban masses imagine a single day without devoting at least a few minutes to yoga? Of late, e-commerce giants are advertising yoga blocks as essential for yoga enthusiasts. These yoga blocks are also deemed necessary for beginners. Now, quite naturally, budding yoga enthusiasts are curious to know, “What is a yoga block?” So, let’s introduce them to the masses. Also, they can support the hips, backs, and heads to help the human body get adjusted to the complicated yogic poses.   Simply put, yoga blocks are rectangular brick-shaped structures made of bamboo, hard foam, latex, or cork to reduce the distance between the person who is practicing yoga and the floor. Even pros may use them. A yoga guru named BKS Iyengar had made yoga blocks popular by 1970.     They have another purpose of improving the alignment of the different body parts and providing comfort.   Now we understand how essential…

Money management Money management is essential since it helps a student manage money based on the demands. Managing this expense is vital due to the expensive life associated with the school. Campus life is exciting to students who have come from high school and may think it easy to manage themselves. This resource is scarce, and one has to distribute it effectively since one is no longer at the comfort and warmth of their parents. The writing will look at why it is important to manage money for a student in these times. Inadequate skills are among the reasons that can lead to low retention rates. Organization in students is vital due to many needs and should be managed with this scarce resource. Students have to be trained at an early age by parents and guardians that money is not always available. They are tempted to spend their money on non-essentialcommodities like food and drinks instead of paying their rents.  Family and friends should come and help these students and give them tips on how they can save. Financial stress is…

Types of carbohydrates Monosaccharides and disaccharides are all known as simple carbohydrates, while polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates. Monosaccharides have a central carbon atom, which is usually bonded to two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom as expressed as (CH2O)N. The three main monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. On the other hand, disaccharides are also known as double sugars, which are usually made up of a mixture of different monosaccharides and other simple sugars. For example, the three disaccharides are lactose, which is made of galactose and glucose, maltose, which is a combination of two sugar units and sucrose, which is a combination of fructose and glucose. These sugars can be found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. As I mentioned earlier, polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates that are made of many many chains of monosaccharides. The three most essential polysaccharides are glycogen, starch, and fibers. Starch and glucose are similar in the sense that they are both made up of glucose, and the main difference is while glucose is found in the human body starch if found in plants.…

Beauty Artistry Beauty Artistry is my fashion and makeup company that offers services such as waxing, lash and eyebrow tint, and holistic facials. The company is licensed and has a legal permit from the relevant authorities to operate its activities and offer services to its clients. I have the skills and ability to achieve a flawless face, lush lashes, and the “perfect eyes” for my customers. I have trained my workforce on how to offer such quality services to our clients who visit our company. The company’s personnel have more than ten years’ experience, which enables them to perform in all genres, such as derma planning, facials, and lash lifts. The company adopts gluten-free, oncology, and organically approved skincare products. The company offers makeup services for high fashion photoshoots, weddings, fashion shows, engagement photos, special occasion events, production work, editorial, print work, private makeup lessons, boudoir shoots, and ballroom dancers. The workforce applies advanced cutting-edge techniques to enable and assist the clients in recognizing their beauty. Some of our employees have worked with prominent people in America, including journalists, Olympic…

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