Identify and explain one type of analysis Cal Newport is conducting on new technologies such as social media and smartphones. Cal Newport provides a detailed analysis of the effects of social media and smartphones on peoples’ behavior. In his report, he observes that at the start of these new technologies, they look like the tools to make lives more comfortable and more manageable. For instance, He notes that at its genesis in 2004, Facebook seemed like an excellent way to check up on classmates, and in 2007 the iPhone had revolutionary features that were widely celebrated to make lives more manageable. However, Newport demonstrates that these new technologies have taken over every person who has embraced these technologies. For example, the average user of social media and associated messaging apps spend around two hours of their day engaged in them. Newport, in his analysis, feels less the same for smartphones. Their use penetrated to every part of the world in ways twenty years ago would seem impossible. However, their use is not without controversy in the sense that people cannot…

History influence Previously, the relationship between history and culture has been factored as the premise enhancing the understanding of human societies. A progression of this involves studying distinct communities such as Muslims, Indians and Mexican. Muslim society is of great influence today not only in the United States but also in the entire world. Having originated from Arabian peninsula, in the 17th century, today, the Muslim society account over one-fifth of the total world population (Samovar et al., 2017). It means that Islamic society is continually growing at a steady rate. Historically, the origin of Muslim society is marked by the spread and rise of Islamic civilization and the pre-Islamic period referred to as the age of ignorance. As informed by samovar et al., (2017), the age of ignorance was an Islamic era that denoted the deviation of early groups of Islam from the Middle East great civilization. In this case, it is informed that following nomadic movement, Muslims were unable to adopt the culture of architecture and artefacts practised by the Babylonians and the Sumerians (Samovar et al., .2017).…

Former Gazprom Director-General, Boris Ivanov’s Journey to Success   It’s not only in the oil and gas industry but also in the entire business world that Boris Ivanov is celebrated as a top-class entrepreneur and business leader. In 2011, he founded his own oil exploration company, GPB Global Resources B.V., with its headquarters in Amsterdam. Before founding his own company, this celebrated business executive worked as the CEO and Director General of Gazprom E.P. International B.V. This is one of the top global oil and gas conglomerates, and he served in this position from 2007 to 2011. Here is the success journey of this celebrated entrepreneur and business guru.   Early career   Boris Ivanov started his career soon after he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) with an International Relations degree in 1983. He joined the USSR’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he worked as a diplomat. He was then posted to the Washington DC Soviet Embassy. While working in the embassy, he mainly dealt with arms control issues.   As a diplomat, this celebrated…

Luc Pharmacy Business Plan   Executive Summary The advancement of tough economic times is prompting most people to look prescription medications at discounted; therefore, Luc Pharmacy will main business will be to offer prescription medications to customers at affordable prices in the market. While seeking to offer prescriptions at lower prices, Luc pharmacy will also ensure that efficiency is maintained in their operations. The Pharmacy will be targeting a certain segment of the market which involves customers who pay for prescriptions themselves and thus avoiding the cash flow associated inefficiencies that come from medical insurance payment policies as well as ensuring excellent services to knowledgeable repeat customers who use maintenance type of medications (Brazeau, 2013). Luc pharmacy will be operating from one major store that will attend to both mail-order customers and those that visit in person. We are seeking to hire friendly and knowledgeable personnel who coupled with the subsidized medication prices will help in maintaining the repeat business and thus growth in reputation; hence the growth in revenues that we will be relying upon. It is our expectation…

Masculinities and the Media             The concept of gender is central to societies across the world. All of them are built upon a culture that distinguishes between the male and female population. As a result of these differences, the societies assign various roles and expectations of behavior to each gender which constitute their ideas of masculinity and feminism. These ideals may vary from one society to another. However, there is a standard notion of masculinity and feminism that almost all cultures uphold and consent to. For a long time, scholars have debated whether gender is natured or nurtured. The school of thought that it is natured opine that males and females were programmed from birth to be masculine and feminine respectively. The opposing school of thought that opine that it is nurtured believe that being male or female is a learned process through social processes , such as education and through social interactions. Truly, biology defines the basic elements that define one’s gender. However, it is undeniable that significantly large aspects of gender, such as the behaviors associated with feminism…

Media Democracy How is the historical development of representative democracy (liberalism and civic republicanism) important for understanding the contemporary crisis of democracy? Understanding the historical development of representative democracy is pertinent to scholars. Scholars can determine for what reasons democracy was conceived and thus establish flaws that undermine it today. Proponents of democracy envisioned a society where equality, respect for human rights, and prudent representation of all people in ruling authorities were observed. Classical liberalism stressed the need to respect individual rights, freedom, and free markets through capitalism. John Locke believed in constitutionalism, inalienable rights- freedom and equality of all human beings, and a social contract between the rulers and ruled.  John Stuart Mill participated in the development of democracy through his advancement of ideologies of utilitarianism and consequentialism. Stuart Mill opined that the actions of an entity should be measured based on outcomes and that such outcomes should be in favor of the majority. In essence, democracy is a rule of the people, by the people for the people (Meeta Rani, Lecture- Public Sphere-Liberalism, 26, 2020). An analysis of…

Media for Dissemination of Outbreak Information After the investigation is done and the outbreak of a disease recognized, dissemination of information to the public is essential. This is because, on an epidemic, several people are at risk of being ill since the disease is spreading fast. It is, therefore, vital for them to have the information early enough for them to apply precautions to avoid infection. Dissemination of information is also essential to healthcare staff because it will make them prepare for more patients and even make them put on necessary measures or clothing to avoid infection. This article will discuss the means of dissemination of information I will use to pass the information to the society effectively. Nowadays, most people depend on social media to acquire information or news. This provides the most convenient way of disseminating health information in case there is an outbreak. This is because the information will be accessed by many people through social media as compared to other means. Due to the confirmed case of the outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of…

importance of information system in Walmart Company running and managing business Introduction Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates in chain hypermarkets, discounted stores, and grocery stores. The company, which was founded in 1962, has today become the world-leading chain hypermarkets. The latest success of the company, however, can be attributed to its effective use of information systems in management, operation, and decisions making processes. A management information system or MIS is used by business organizations to gathers, compile, and analyze critical information. Today’s Walmart relies on the information system for various purposes, most of which surround the aspect of management, communication, and the element of data management (Davis & Yen, 2018).  In Walmart, MIS is highly integrated with the organization’s operation system and usually involves databases with a massive amount of data. While the types of information or the role of the information system can vary from one’s business to the other, and even between the departments of an organization, the part that MIS plays is almost the same. Globally, business is connected and have an operation…

What Articles are Suitable for Affiliate Marketing? Are you tired of having to get through an everyday nine to five job? Affiliate marketing is one thing that can earn you a few extra cents. And the best thing is, you do not have to be present all the time. However, you should put it in mind that getting started will be hard. You will have to dedicate a substantial amount of money and time to get established. Having the right tools is a great step in the right direction. If you are looking to get started with affiliate marketing, here are five articles you should go through before you begin. Starting up The first step to successful affiliate marketing is finding a field that suits you. You will know how to get something that is both profitable and in your interest. A step to step guide on how to set up your site will come in handy. Finding a (Good) Niche in Affiliate Marketing by Rae Hoffman will help you with this.. How Affiliate Marketing Works Learning the basics of…

Assignment 9 – Part A: Business Report 1.     Findings and Analysis At Amor publicity services, a current business communication barrier is prevalent. The employees are constantly complaining about the excessive usage of smartphones in the workplace and the ways in which it is negatively impacting them by increasing their stress levels. At the workplace, the usage of smartphones is quite disrupting, and 55% of employees are constantly using their smartphones to engage with others. In the digital era, communication and “staying in touch” on a consistent basis has become a trend. However, constant texting and internet surfing can have severe short and long term effects. Cybercrime is a serious threat, and it could lead to information or data breaches. Therefore, addressing this barrier is vital for the progress of the company. The short and long term effects of smartphone usage in the workplace have been analyzed below-   Short-term effects- The employees at Amor Publicity Services have higher chances of getting addicted to smartphones because not using smartphones in the digital era could lead to extreme discomfort as well as…

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