Online presence for every business In the modern world, having an online presence is a must for every business that wants to remain competitive. The Internet has become a reliable source of information for both consumers and businesses. A website offers the platform for potential customers to interact with your brand for the first time. Once the page loads, you have the opportunity to impress your visitors on why your brand is the best in the market. However, note that most visitors are turned away by an unresponsive website or websites that take too long to load.   Website design is critical to a business, and if designed unprofessionally, it can lead to the downfall of a business. As a business owner, you should aim for a website that surpasses customer’s expectations and presents a concise and captivating message about your brand and what makes it stand out.   Let’s look at the reasons why business owners need website design and development:   To Make Navigation Easy   A successful online platform is one that users can navigate in a…

Programming and computation procedures GPU, AI, and ML are acronyms used in computer science to refer to programming and computation procedures that govern modern usage of computer by man and their capabilities. GPUs refers to ‘Graphics Processing Units’ in plural while singular it’s GPU. GPUs act as a coprocessor in the computation process. Application and significance of GPUs as early as 1990 due to demand for real-time and more realistic simulation of graphics in computer games. Sequential changes occurred in 2003 when Harris introduced GPGPU. GPGPU is an abbreviation coined to refer to general-purpose GPUs. AI is an initial for Artificial Intelligence, while ML denotes Machine. Concerning the development of computers and computation procedures, GPUs is a core component of power behind the growth and progression of AI we witness today. There are two brands of GPUs that ignited the current counter culture of digital growth. AMD and NVIDIA are the first companies that introduced software GPUs that are multi-core computing platforms. Previous versions used in 2d and 3d graphics output were architecturally hardware in nature (NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA first…

Google services Google offers an array of services such as apps, platforms and products to enable people to interact worldwide. On the other hand, it gathers user information to improve and tailor its services to the needs of an individual customer. In this regard, Google data policy allows the establishment to collect the private information of users. The company captures all the user activity during a browsing session which is then linked to a Google account. Hence, Google monitors the actions of its customers through infringement of their privacy instead of safeguarding it. Thus, if Google accessed and controls data of users, it violates their right to privacy and confidentiality by making them vulnerable to third parties. The website’s data collection policy is not justifiable because it intrudes into people’s lives. The move makes users uncomfortable when using the service since they understand that their search data and browsing history is being exposed somewhere. The data policy makes clients engage in several commercial agreements with third parties without their knowledge. Although it may be the firm’s move to sustain itself…

Management in the healthcare industry Management is a critical component of effective service delivery in the healthcare industry. As such, those in charge must employ strategies that ensure productivity and optimal care. To do this, there is a need to adhere to specific frameworks and guidelines. This entry compares scientific and contingency management theories, recommending the contingency theory for healthcare organizations. Both are popular theories, widely employed when a need arises to arrive at leadership decisions in healthcare organizations. While Fredrick Taylor’s scientific theory centers on the improvement of workflow, labor productivity, and efficiency, Fred Fiedler’s theory of contingency links flexible managerial behavior to employee productivity. (Nancy & Borkowski, 2015). Taylor focuses on time management, improvement of the manager-worker relationship, cutting operational costs, labor security, and worker efficiency improvement. Fiedler, on the other hand, cites contingencies like technological changes, exterior interest groups, governmental regulations, changes in supply, demand, customer preferences, and employee union influences as most critical to managerial decision making. Whereas both theories are geared towards the optimization of results while giving allowance for modification and improvement, different approaches…

Hitler’s instruction Hitler’s instruction (Nr. 37) dated 10 October 1941 mandated the Naval force to protect the Arctic as German zones and attack maritime traffic of the enemy in Northern Norway of the enemy. This attack called for a close cooperation between the naval and the air forces to keep off enemies from stronghold of the Germans both at and within sea. By 14 December, 1941, Hitler resonated the development of infrastructure along the coastlines to protect the German Northern Front from future possibilities of allies taking over the region and trading with the Soviet Union as they controlled the Baltic. Subsequent meetings with Admiral Raeder, including that of 29 December 1941 and 12 January 1942 resulted in a directive to redeploy German warships as a response to an enemy threat concerning Norway control, Trondheim and Kirkenes were the main points of focus. This decision was made in the belief that the US and the British were coordinating an attack aimed at the Northern area. The CINC of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goring, was to leverage air forces in Norway besides…

The project management triangle Despite the fact that there are many project constraints, the three main constraints of time, scope, and cost should not be barriers to the successful execution of a project and the effective decision-making process. The triangle focuses on the quality of the project, which is mainly referred to as the ambition level of the project (Wysocki, 2019). For this to be achieved, the three pillars so cost, time, and schedule should be considered. It is also essential to agree with the other members of the project on which are the most critical factors and where compromises can be made if the project does not go according to the plan. This is mainly because one pillar is always considered a priority, and the increase or decrease in the amount of focus on each pillar leads to a compromise that can create a balance in the project. For instance, if a customer is very strict with the project schedule, it can increase costs, increase the program team resources to speed up the project schedule to meet customer demand.…

Tourism sector Tourism is a sector that has grown rapidly, and Countries all over the globe have put more efficacy in promoting this kind of industry in different ways to capture the world market. Kenya is one of them, but its efforts have not yielded the expected results due to the following problems. Infrastructure development: Even with the government of Kenya’s efforts of improvement roads linking parks and reserves . some of these roads are inaccessible hence makes the tourists shun such site, especially during the rainy season. Human-wildlife conflict: lack of clear boundary has escalated tension between humans and wildlife. Wildlife attacks have threatened the survival of humans and crops. The case is evidence of the Maasai Mara and the lions. Has reduced the number of wild animals causing extinction to others. (Makindi ,Olelebo, W., & Aboud . (2014) Competition from other countries. Countries like Switzerland has beautiful scenery and some other tourist attraction sites. The country Kenya, therefore, is sharing the market, getting a small portion reducing its revenue. insecurity in the country caused by terror groups and…

MeadWestvaco Corporation MeadWestvaco Corporation is a leader in producing packaging, coated and specialty papers and chemicals. MeadWestvaco’s internal consulting group employs sampling to offer a lot of information that assists the company in getting vital productivity benefits and competitive. The company’s managers require information that is reliable and accurate about timberlands and forests to evaluate the ability to meet the future raw materials needs of the company. Managers has to know the present volume, the past growth and the projected future growth of the forests. The managers will use such information to develop plans which involve long-term planting and harvesting schedules for the trees. The sampling process entails collecting data from sample plots throughout the forest, which provides information about the population of trees. The method of sampling used by MeadWestvaco Corporation is random sampling. Timberland holdings are first divided into three sections, which are used for the identity of sample plots depending on location and type of trees. Also, MeadWestvaco analysts use maps and random numbers to random identity samples of 1/5 to 1/7 acre plots in every section…

Research of the effectiveness of OLD SPICE Marketing Campaign Research Paper Take a variable of interest which is within the topics introduced in class and develop a research paper which should include the following elements. • Chosen topic: Case study of the EFFECTIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN OLD SPICE The “Smell Like a Man, Man” Campaign (1) introduction of the research topic: state its significance, (2) review of relevant literature: discuss how the variable has been defined or measured in the extant literature, (3) analysis of any possible gaps and/or contradictory hypotheses and researching findings, (4) an overview of your own paradigm or hypothesis, (5) explanation of your methodological approach, (6) report of results from your research (7) discussion of your results and directions for future research. [unique_solution]Students are required to use the marking scheme as a guide to prepare for their assignment. This paper should be at least 2,500 words in length (all inclusive) and be written in the style of the latest version of the Style Manual of the American Psychological Association. Important points to concentrate on: • Why the…

Technology in the Hotel Management One of the projects that I worked on was during my internship, where we were to work in groups of five to come up with an advertisement for a new service that was being introduced in the company. The service being introduced was online payment and reservation of rooms. In the area, most of the local people were not quite familiar with such systems as such; awareness about the approach was to be created through advertisement. Our team was diverse; there were three female members of the team and two male ones. Three were of Caucasian descent, while one was of Asian and the other Africa decent. We held our first meeting on the same day we were assigned the task as we had one week to give feedback. In this meeting, we brainstormed advertising ideas and the major challenge experienced was communication because some of the team members interrupted others as they talked. Owing to this challenge, we elected a group leader who coordinated the meeting and was tasked with the responsibility of ensuring…

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