Performance appraisal on employee motivation Table of contents   Abstract Employees must be the driving force dictating the success of any firm, thus critical to analyze how motivation will work to improve their performance. The study systematically reviews the various ways in which motivating an employee has contributed to upheaval in the performance of firms.  It states the multiple ways in which contemporary firms motivate their employees, and these include pay rise, job security and improvement in work conditions. Additionally, the piece focuses on various kinds of literature to determine how previous researchers have tackled the motivation subject. To achieve these objectives, the proposal identifies questionnaires and interviews as viable techniques to obtain primary data from the employees. This will include the identification of the appropriate respondents willing to participate in the study. Data analysis will follow, and these will show how the variable is related to one another. Keywords: Performance, motivation, company improvement, performance appraisal, job satisfaction, motivation, firm effectiveness, job security Performance appraisal on employee motivation Introduction Human resource management in most global organizations cite employee motivation as…

Research Question: How can inexperienced writers find their authentic voices in college writing courses?   Bartholomae, David. Writing on the Margins: Essays on Composition and Teaching. Bedford/St. Martins, 2005. These essays (a collection of articles written over the span of Bartholomae’s career) depict a socially conscious, student-centered teacher and scholar. Recurrent throughout Bartholomae’s work is an insistence that there is nothing “wrong” with basic writers; like all writers, they struggle to adapt to the foreign discourse communities (those of the privileged) that they have been thrown into upon entering the university. Thus, when a student writer utters anything in writing, he first has to tailor his language to suit the expectations of his overeducated audience (the professor). Students don’t really master writing (if it can ever be mastered), however, until they learn to craft a voice of their own. Until this happens, students simply go through the motions of academic writing, motions that do not amount to worthwhile discoveries. In this way, I found Bartholomae’s views connecting most resoundingly to those of Winterson’s, Atwan’s, Sirc’s, Bishop’s, and Shor’s.   Quotables:…

What Makes a Good Executive Placement Agency? An executive placement agency is an organization that is given the responsibility of identifying, attracting, and hiring an experienced executive who will handle critical duties in an organization. Executive HR recruiters are very many in the industry, which raises the question of how a company can make sure that it has the right executive placement agency. What you should know is that one size does not fit all. However, there are some innovative strategies that you can employ to get the right executive placement agency. Firm’s Search Process Before you select an executive placement agency, you need to know how they search and qualify executives. They should demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and strategies that will be essential in helping a company to succeed in its culture and organization. Your executive HR recruiter should be engaged in an active process of finding the best executive who will be able to handle the activities of your organization. You should not rely on companies that depend on job board advertising and shallow databases.…

Administrative Supervision by clinicians as Program Supervisor/Administrator Clinical Supervision has become an essential factor in attaining the improvement of quality care. However, it is an undertaking that revolves around a lot of duties and set of rules, making it a difficult task for most clinicians. Being in Supervision means transforming set ideas and principles into practical results. It involves four major factors which include: administrative, supportive, evaluative and clinical. It requires great effort and wisdom linking the four elements together by ensuring they are appropriately coordinated. To be an effective and evidence-basedd practice. Involving all these processes and factors make supervisor one is required to be dedicated by ensuring many principles aligning to effective administration are coordinated and work hand – in hand (Awowale, et al., 2017). Such policies require one to be observant, role model, coach, and also be able to create an attractive environment for career advancement and learning. Such Supervision is the fundamental key to a successful implementation of understanding the clinicians view administrative Supervision as hardest and, at times, complicated area of duty. How Profession can…

In the hotel industry, the retention of employees has become significant In the hotel industry, the retention of employees has become a significant issue because of multiple factors. Firstly, constant changes in the workplace environment are creating issues for the employees. Secondly, increasing customer demands and rising job expectations of employers does not fit reasonably with the career expectations of employees. Therefore, as a manager of the hotel, I must recognize the talent of employees and ensure proper allocation of job duties and responsibilities. Employees leave because their talents often remain unrecognized. Additionally, most of them do not feel appreciated after performing a job duty. Therefore, talent recognition should be the first step towards employee retention. Similarly, an increased focus on one-to-one training can also lead to increased efficiency of the firm and employee retention. During training, employees will communicate with each other, and it will enhance the mutual respect among employees. Lastly, creating a fun-filled workplace environment will boost employee retention. Retaining employees in the workplace has become a challenge because employees are showing lesser willingness to perform the…

recruitment technology tools and their functionality in the recruitment process Introduction Recruitment technology refers to a set of software tools that are used to automate the hiring process through the connection of data sources to ace the quality candidates. It helps human resource departments to streamline candidate search and the hiring process as a whole (Holm, 2012). A recruitment technology application can be a standalone software or a module of the human resource management systems (HRMS). Some people and organizations view it as an applicant tracking system (ATS) even though recruitment software is broader and encompasses the applicant tracking system. The functionality of recruitment technology includes workforce planning, sourcing, candidate acquisition, applicant tracking, onboarding, training, and analytics. This paper aims to discuss five recruitment technology tools and their functionality in the recruitment process. The five selected software are Workable, SAP SuccessFactors, JazzHR, Recruitee, and Zoho Recruit. Workable It is a hiring platform developed to help human resource management team and in-house recruiters to streamline a company’s hiring process. It offers tools to find talents and determine qualified applicants/candidates. Workable comes…

Leadership and Personality   According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, I am in the group of ENTJ, Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. I am, therefore, a decisive natural leader. I am analytical, efficient, and hardworking. People with ENTJ personality focus their energy outwards. ENTJ personalities have a preference for focusing on the future instead of focusing on the present. They are interest in theoretical and abstract information rather than concrete details. Their decision making is based on objective and logical information. They do not significantly factor emotions and personal feelings of others. They are planners and usually work with schedules wish gives them a sense of control and predictability.   ENTJs and Leadership ENTJs make generally make good leaders because of their innate ability to direct groups of people. They are hard workers and self-driven. Motivated, energetic, assertive, and confident while at the same time, they are competitive. They are influential and organized, which makes them great managers and organizational and supervisors leaders.     ENTJs strive to do things the right way to achieve the set goal. They excel…

SKILLS FOR WRITING A DISSERTATION Introduction The writing skills you learn while developing your dissertation become useful later on in life.  Odena & Burgess, 2015 argue that it gives one a competitive edge in the job market after graduation as one has learned skills on the development of reports and other papers. They say that learning writing skills will help the students to overcome writers blocks.  According to the Higher Education Council for England, 2010, over 75% of students studying doctoral degrees in UK universities four years later than the expected. He associates this to failure on the part of the students to understand and develop strategies or skills for writing dissertations. Dissertation writing is a tedious and daunting task. It is more difficult if your English is not your first language (Iftanti, 2016). A dissertation is supposed to be original work from a specific topic developed independently. It is a rewarding yet challenging part of the degree that students have to go through. The skills for writing a dissertation can be considered in the writing style adopted, research skills,…

The Friendship Between Paul Kagame and the Banyamulenge is Non-existent. Since 1996, the Banyamulenge, a Congolese Tutsi community, has repeatedly been accused by their fellow Congolese of conspiring with Rwanda to oust Zaire’s former long-standing ruler Mobutu Sese Seko from power. As a result of this alleged disloyalty, the Banyamulenge have become scapegoats for the continuing humanitarian crisis that has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for many years. While the Banyamulenge were seeking a regime-changing war, that would topple the long-ruling Mobutu’s tenure (which had been marked by rampant corruption intended to enrich himself and his cronies), Kagame’s plan was improving Rwanda by expropriating the natural resources of its neighbors in the Democratic Republic of Congo and becoming what some have termed as ‘Africa’s economic success story.’ While Rwandan President, Paul Kagame (a self-proclaimed anti-genocide activist, with Rwanda, also branded as an anti-genocide watchdog) sought to present himself as a champion of the Banyamulenge cause, it is fair to say that the Banyamulenge had been made into political pawns, solely to advance Rwanda’s economic interests. The lip service…

The Gap Year and College Students Introduction High school graduation is one of the biggest achievement for most of the students. This is because it marks a new beginning where they can enroll in college and get all the freedom they want. When looking at the current world, there is a big difference between the students who join colleges directly after high school completion and those who prefer a gap year. A gap year can be defined as that period after or before college, where students are involved in several activities such as traveling or doing other tasks (Vargas et al., 2017). Students who take a gap year before colleges become better prepared since they gain other skills and can select the kind of careers they want. With this idea in mind, it is vital to consider a flipped classroom. This discussion will consider the crucial factors in a flipped classroom.   Definition Technology has made education to be easier for the students since they don’t have to attend school for them to learn. One of the most applicable trends…

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