Deutsche Bank Fall The case study presents the challenges faced by Deutsche Bank in providing the correct information from their financial results. All of these factors had linked to management, organization and technology that helped to the issue. The information systems in the bank have been obsolete, preventing them from analyzing complex financial data to provide their services. Furthermore, the company underwent several fusions and acquisitions, which stopped management from making the necessary technical changes to integrate its information systems. This is because the requisite effort and coordination were too high, leading inevitably to the convergence of many incompatible technologies. Ultimately, Deutsche bank lacked an actively organized corporate stability and disaster management and other necessary supervisory processes in place. Because of this, bank leaders were unable to properly cope with the challenges they faced. Appropriate technology, senior management support and proper planning were the main factors that contributed to the issue. Deutsche Bank informational technology was crucial to help in processing data for the variety of financial services offered. Any of which included the management of a wide range of…

Research Outline Introduction Bail is very crucial in criminal justice. It is essential to ensure the balance is maintained in upholding the human rights of the defendant and the public. This is particularly important because the accused, at any point, is still innocent until proven otherwise. As a result, they should not be treated I a way that portrays them as convicted criminals. One of the advantages of bail is that the defendant can continue with their normal activities while awaiting the decision of the court. Primary Focus of the Topic This paper will focus on bail in criminal justice and reforms to enhance justice. Possible Thesis Although bail has benefited many people in getting justice, some instances indicate a lack of consistency in a serving sentence among the defendants. Body Role of Bail Bail serves as a vital tool in criminal justice. The defendant can pay bail while they are waiting for their time of trial in court. Therefore, bail is an essential element in which lawyers use to give some relief to their clients. Besides, the money paid…

Credit Risk and Banking Regulation Introduction Credit risk is a liability default that results as the borrower fails to make the due payments (Livne et al., 2018). Banking regulation, on the other hand, is a kind of control by the government which places banks to some specific requirements, limits, and procedures meant to ensure transparency in the market among banking entities and other organizations which operate a business, among many others. Credit modeling is essential for financial institutions as it helps them improve their businesses and also improve customer service (Nolde, 2017). The banks are also able to manage the risks of default payments because suppose banks fail to plan for this, then they may be subjected to a big pool of credit exposures. And banks are capable of determining the background of the borrower seeking for the loan (Cimon, 2019). This paper entails looking at the elements of the Basel regulatory framework, the items to be considered during its implementation. Also, focus on some regional differences during its execution i.e., between non-EU territories and EU territories. The reforms introduced…

Crisis Management in Law Enforcement Consider the impact of the Sandusky scandal on Penn State. What were organizational functions (management, marketing, human resources, etc.) affected by the crisis? How were they affected? The infamous Penn State Scandal involved Jerry Sandusky, an assistant coach who was found guilty on 45 counts of sexual abuse of 10 boys. Sandusky misbehaved with the boys, and his subsequent arrest and conviction shocked many, including the college athletics fraternity. From the investigations, it is clear that the university’s management was severely affected as its image was dragged through sewage. The case opened investigations into how much the university administrators and former head coach knew about Sandusky’s criminal behavior and whether they covered it up, albeit knowingly. The findings of the investigations were showed the irresponsible nature of administration. Victims had occasionally reported their sexual harassment, however, the Penn State leaders showed total and consistent disregard for the victims who reported these cases. They had covered up the sexual assaults committed by Sandusky as early as 1998 (Penn State Scandal). Notable name including Joe Paterno, a…

Online Data Warehouses and Analytical Processing Q 1: Data Warehouse and Operational Database A data warehouse refers to a system designed for pulling together data (large volumes of information) from a wide range of sources that an organization uses for analysis and reporting. It uses reports with complex queries to make different business decisions. A data warehouse is also seen as a consolidated logical or physical repository of data gathered from various systems. The primary focus or purpose of a data warehouse is to store large volumes of historical information. It also used for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), which uses various complex queries to evaluate rather than process transactions (of data) (Rostek, 2010). On the other hand, an operational database refers to an instance of a database that updates or creates large chunks of information in real-time. The creation or upgrade of large data is based on various technologies that bolster the speed, availability levels, recoverability, concurrency, and data integrity required a particular set of data. Some of the standard operational databases include sensors, machine data, science, IoT (Internet of Things),…

The American pageant The American pageant, creating America, America’s history and US history books describe the journey of the United States from way back. All the books take us a journey of all the events that happened, which have led to the current America that we live in. The American pageant, for example, covers the history of America from 33,000BC to 2014. Also, they describe how we became an independent country, the hurdles we had gone through to make America a country with a sovereign government which can govern the people of the land. In regards to the bill of rights and how it came to be, all books have given us a clear picture of the events that led to the creation of a bill of rights. Some of the similarities of the books include. All books describe the begging of the making of the law of liberty as when the constitution was created stating what the government would do the people. The making of the constitution in1787 was a remarkable step for an independent government- the United States…

Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things (IoT) is an up coming trend that researchers are intensively working to develop. As a result different scientists have been developing mechanisms to derive optimal source of energy to operate devices. How relaint the source is a bone of contention since it ought to be self sustaining . A research is thus proposed on the possibility of recycling radio waves. If the aspect is viable, An electromagnetic energy harvester can be devised to collect radio frequency waves that can consistently provide energy to devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). Research question Collecting radio waves isn’t fresh out of the plastic new, yet past endeavors have been restricted to short-run frameworks situated inside meters of the vitality source. It would be viewed as compelling if a long range band width would be adoptable. The research question is then how viable can a long range band of waves be deviced to supply a consistent source energy for devices in the Internet of Things (IoT)? Literature review   The horizons presents Tentzeris team attempts…

American jurisdiction How many courts are in the Native American jurisdiction? The Native American jurisdiction has tribal court systems that are federally recognized as Indian tribes. The courts are independent but get their powers from the congress and have various cultural and linguistic groups. The Native American jurisdiction has five hundred and seventy-three tribal courts; three hundred and forty in forty-eight states with judicial systems, while the rest are from Alaska native village. What are the three fundamental differences between Native American courts and American courts? Native American courts rely on the tribe’s written and unwritten laws and policies. Thus each tribe has its way of dealing with a criminal offense. American courts, on the other hand, operate under constitutionally recognized regulations and will convict the offenders using the documented laws. The Native American courts follow the single standard and are less likely to record the policies used in the previous ruling. On the contrary, the American courts must follow a specific pattern and code the sections while making a ruling. For example, first-degree murder results in life imprisonment or…

Human Resource personnel Discussion Non-HR Perspective:  Your department is not meeting performance expectations. What steps do you take to resolve the issue?   Is training a possible solution; if so, which of the above training methods would be the most effective in addressing the problem? Would you, at any point, involve HR–if so, at what point and why? One of the essential things in any company is the departments meeting their targets. Such is because the goals set for the departments are part of the overall objectives of the company. When the departments fail to meet their objectives, it means that the entire organization will not be able to meet its target after a certain period. To solve the issue, one should take the following steps; Identify the root cause of the problem Devise a plan to solve the problem Support every member of the department in implementing the plan. In the problem of underperformance within a department, training is one of the ways that the department can be able to solve the problem. The training method that would be suitable…

Dealing with Complexity Hello, everyone, my name is (). Welcome to the program. Today, we are addressing the topic “Dealing with Complexity.” The first thing to address is ethics and will be done through audio segments as podcasts. The main topic of discussion is seat belts. This topic is not as simple as it looks; it is a very complex and broad outlook. The government passes laws that affect us on a daily basis. The use of seat belts in most states is mandatory, and people are held responsible for breaking the laws where the penalty can be a fine or jail time. Many are the circumstances where traffic police will fine for not fastening the belts or having them in your car. There are many sources that have addressed the issue. According to Mendoza (2019), the US has only one state that does not have seatbelt mandates. Every contributor in the industry, starting from manufacturers to insurers, to the car owners, to the passengers, is expected to play their role on seat belt fastening, and failure will attract penalties.…

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