Agriculture and Antiquity     Student’s Name Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date                                                     Annotated Webliography: Agriculture and Antiquity The is the New York Times website that features various news articles. Notably, the article How the First Farmers Changed History by Zimmer is an agricultural article that has been featured on the site. The report highlights one of the discoveries that happened in a small village knows as Ain Ghazal. Markedly, the development is mainly made of human skeletons, which date up to 10,000 years ago. The area used to be home to the first farming families. Furthermore, families are considered to be the pioneers of agriculture. According to Zimmer, the families that dwelled in the area buried their loved ones beneath their house floors. Correspondingly, the article is not biased or one-sided since it identifies other regions where agricultural pioneers existed. Although it recognizes the way…

Commercial Bank Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor Due Date     Commercial Banks Commercial banks are institutions that perform the function of accepting deposits and giving loans to the members of the public for investment purposes. Commercial banks are banks that are accessible to the members of the public. They offer services to the general members of the public and other companies. There are different types of commercial banks based on the function the bank performs, type of the bank, and other functions such as the kind of services that commercial banks perform and banking channels these banks use. Different types of commercial banks There are three major categories of commercial banks. Public Sector Banks Public sector banks refer to banks that have been nationalized by respective governments to allow deposits and advance loans to members of the public. These banks are opened to members of the public, and they are free to buy the shares of the bank to become a shareholder of the bank. In most countries, the government holds the largest stake of public banks…

growth of the American economy and determine how the American economy influenced Europe′s economy starting in the 1950s and afterwards The 1950s has been portrayed as an economic boom time for the United States, with housing, automobile ownership, the private sector, and government all expanding. Explain the growth of the American economy and determine how the American economy influenced Europe′s economy starting in the 1950s and afterwards. Why was the American economy successful? In what ways did Europe benefit from the American economy? Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length (excluding cover page and references) and formatted according to the Writing & APA. Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research. You must include a minimum of three resources: One primary resource (textbook or required reading), and Two secondary resources (credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or required course readings). Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.[unique_solution] The 1950s has been portrayed as an economic boom time for the United States, with…

Student Name Course Date The Mule Bone This play depicts the life of African Americans, especially those living in rural areas. Written by Hughes and Hurston in 1930 during the economic crisis era, this play draws the folklore and oral tradition of the Southern Blacks (Gates Jr. 1). As such, the play employs a verbal one-upmanship element of “mule-talking.” The drama starts on a Saturday in Eatonville, Florida, where Dave and Jim fight for Daisy’s (a sexy and self-cautious home servant) love. Jim is arrested and tried at Joe Clarke’s barn for knocking Dave using a hock bone of mule. Although Jim admits that he hit Dave, he claims that it was not a crime while saying that one must use a weapon in a crime, but a mule‘s bone is not a weapon. However, Joe Clarke finds Jim guilty of a felony and expels him from the town for two years. Notably, the players engage in friendly talks while being sarcastic at other times. One of the most exciting scenes is when Teet and Walter argue about Teet’s letter…

Discussion 1 The new accounting standards (ASC 842) introduced by FASB to report operating leases at discounted at the present value of future payments on the balance sheet as a liability (Graham, & Lin, 2018). Operating lease does not transfer ownership of an asset, yet payments are made for asset usage. Before the change, operating leases were not reported in the balance sheet even though assets yet payments are made for usage. Instead, a lump sum lease/rental payments were reported in the income statement. A large amount of liabilities were thus hidden in the notes, but now will be directly seen on the balance sheet. Besides, the change requires firms to report every single lease separately instead of as a lump-sum. I applaud FASB for the move that brings more transparency for investors in public equities. The accounting update will have no material change on accounting models because they were always captured off the balance sheet. However, there will be a significant increase in total liabilities reported in public entities. Discussion 2 Intel and Microsoft’s balance sheet reported a large…

Saudi-Qatari Crisis: Analytics Study of Power Concept in International Relations (Realism view) Background information According to literature, Qatar is unexpectedly found itself under siege from the neighbors. Including, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Bahrain which have limited the diplomatic relationship. It was evident that even a modern era, the Qatar citizen’s face a lot of challenges. They have a mindset that Iran and Iraq support terrorism. The US has been one of the critical pro-Saudi lobbyists who is known to be threatening the regime in Qatar. According to history, there has been a significant rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Though Qatar has a small size, it is rich in wealth and petroleum resources which provide it with considerable influence. It has therefore been supporting the Arab spring and supported Muslim in Gaza, and Egypt. Qatar and its neighbors were in a big confrontation since it was blamed to have internal affairs. Qatar is, therefore, pursuing different policies of Saudi Arabia (Ulrichsen,2017 .p 123). According to Joseph Governments tend to use military power to bring…

Spend money or save them?             Needs and wants in people’s lives remain insatiable as stated across the economic spectrum. This has introduced a big dilemma among people to whether saving or spending money is safe for them or not. However, it remains candid that no one knows what the future has, which means that people need not to ignore future concerns. It is therefore preferable for people to save money and remain pessimistic due a number of reasons that will be discussed in the paper. Preliminarily, people need to be financially independent for the purpose of handling unexpected emergencies. Medical emergencies take a toll order on the lives of people as some of them fail to meet the expenses. Some of the riskier surgeries call for extreme bills, which may force one to seek assistance (Leonard, 2008). Instead of waiting for humiliating incidents of borrowing money, people should consider saving schemes, which may allow them to counter medical expenses and other emergencies. However, some of the people may sound optimistic and ignore such emergencies. The ignorance is riskier and…

The four subsistence patterns of food foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture The four subsistence patterns of food foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture are quite different.  A food forager is a hunter- gather (a person who hunts and gathers their food from the wild). Before 10,000 years ago foraging was the only way of life, and still exists today in some societies. The Jo-hoansi people of Namibia, the Agta people of The Phillipines, and the Mardu people of Australia still practice foraging today (Haviland et al, 2013). With foraging, there is do division of labor. Woman work beside men, sometimes hunt bigger animals as well. What determines who will do the job is based on how complicated or difficult the job is, not by the gender of the person. They do not raise animals to eat, they only have animals for pets (usually dogs), or to aid them in hunting (Haviland et al, 2013). Pastoral societies are nomadic or transhumance people that rely on domesticated animals during their travels, for food. The nomadic people do not stay in one place, but…

The architecture of Conflict Assessment Power Resources Used In Cyberbullying In a world dominated by technology, internet and smartphones, cyberbullying has become a common incidence in our daily life. When one is a victim of cyberbullying, they tend to feel depressed, helpless, humiliated, and others could even be suicidal. Technology implies that bullying is no longer limited to the streets or school (Frensh & Mulyadi, 2018). Instead, cyberbullying may occur anywhere and has a potential of involving millions of online users. Thus, cyberbullies use various resources to terrorize others on the internet. In most cases, they use digital technology to humiliate, harass or threaten whomever they desire. Compared to traditional forms of bullying, cyberbullying does not require two people to be face to face. Besides this form of bullying is not limited to a small group of witnesses; instead it is open to the global community. Role of Balance of Power in Cyberbullying Bullying may be considered as a form of “aggression” where there is an imbalance of power between the bully and the bullied. Any form of bullying is…

Internet of Things and Privacy             The Internet of Things refers to the network of physical devices which generally include the home appliances and some other items which are embedded with sensors, software, actuators, electronics, and the connectivity which enables the embedded items to connect directly and exchange data (Atzori, Iera & Morabito, 2010). Every embedded item is identifiable uniquely by the computing system put in place. The number of capable online devices is increasing at a higher rate and it is anticipated to follow the same trend in future. With the Internet of Things, objects can be sensed or rather can be controlled remotely within the network infrastructure put in place (Chahid, Benabdellah & Azizi, 2017). This creates opportunities for directly integrating the physical world into systems which are computer-based. This results to improvement in accuracy, efficiency and economic benefit. It also leads to the reduction of the human intervention as most of the duties which could otherwise be performed manually by individuals are performed digitally by the computer systems put in place. Internet of Things is gaining interest and…

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