BITCOIN PRICE PREDICTION AND THE MOST LIKELY FUTURE OF THE CRYPTO ASSETS The existence of crypto assets like Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, and Litecoin, as well as other crypto-assets, has become the center of economist’s discussion in the recent past. Economists have been inconsistent deep thinking and idea creation on the entire history that exists derivative crypto market. Since the invention of the cryptocurrencies, different analysts’ opinions have predicted the future of the financial sector in the years to come. The high traction of the cryptocurrency in the market has triggered the need for the society to move to a cashless economy with no original fiat currency. Most developed countries are deliberating on the ideas to transform their savings into a digital one. There is a need for more economies around the world to get rid of the complicated fiat currency and adopt the new digital currency denomination. The demand for Bitcoin and other crypto asset has laid the foundation for the transformation of the old cash financial economy to the one that is easy to manage that consist of digital…

Database systems The need for database systems, which are properly designed, is a major priority in all modern-day institutions. All the company information, plans, operations, as well as staff data, are contained in the database system.  Properly designed systems provide accurate, up-to-date information hence boosting the smooth flow of company operations. Additionally, user interaction, data storage process, as well as data extraction processes, is user friendly. The security feature, on the other, allows the company staff, stakeholders, and clients to interact with the system as per their approval levels. Moreover, additional security features protect the system from hackers. Numerous issues have faced database management systems.  According to Abadi et al. (2016), insecurity, interdependency, as well as redundancy of database systems were serious issues facing organizations. Coronel & Morris (2016) noted that redundancy was a significant issue affecting databases in many companies, which has to be overcome to have accurate data. Di et al. (2016), on the other hand, stated consistency was vital in ensuring that data available was valid. The accessibility of data is enhanced when a data management system…

    Pros and cons of Parental Leave   Student’s name   Lecturer’s name   Unit name   Unit code   Date of submission                 Advantages of parental leave Paid leave may have some impacts on one’s business, some of which may be positive and others negative. Paid leave is a critical factor in satisfying your employees as it is a comprehensive benefits package for them.  Many businesses view paid leave as a costly option, but mostly the benefits of it outweigh the expenses.  Some of the benefits of paid leave to companies is that it improves employees’ morale.  When employers give their employees paid leave, they feel appreciated and valued, and it turns employees’ increases the confidence and loyalty towards the business. Another benefit of paid leave is that it increases productivity in the business. Employees who are offered paid leave tend to be more active and aggressive in the business. They know when they go on leave their financial status won’t change as they will still be paid. These employees tend…

                    Mexico Economics Student’s Name Institution Date           Macroeconomics is the study of the trends and cycles of variables such as the budget deficit, unemployment, inflation, exchange rates, economic growth, Evaluating these variables will help the monetary authority of a country assess the performance as well as come up with necessary measures required to increase aggregate output through the use of both fiscal and monetary policies. Use of government expenditure and taxes are examples of fiscal policy while monetary policy consists of the use of interest rates, discount rates, open market operations, etc. to stimulate aggregate demand (Andersen et al., 2015). This study will analyze the trends of economic growth, inflation, and unemployment in Mexico from 2009-2018 and compare them with world averages with a view of providing recommendations on important fiscal and monetary policy. Economic growth is the quantitative increase in a country’s output generally over one year. Economic growth can be measured using; Urbanization, GDP per capita, Gross National Product, social welfare, Increasing…

Fleet Vehicle Leasing-What Is It? Every business out there has logistical needs that require ownership or at least use of a vehicle. Many business owners find themselves at crossroads over which financial path they will take to corporate ownership of their vehicles. The options are many, including outright buying, car loans, hire purchase, and fleet leasing. Each of these options having its advantages and disadvantages may leave business owners distressed as they pursue the most sustainable path for their business. What Then Is Fleet Leasing? Fleet leasing, as mentioned above, is one of the ways businesses can finance their logistical needs. A fleet lease is an agreement between a business owner and the owner of a fleet of vehicles (fleet company), to use the vehicles for a specified period at a given cost. Fleet leasing typically is a form of car hire for big, small, and medium enterprises. Under fleet leasing, the vehicles remain under the ownership of the Fleet Leasing Company, but the lessee gets the utility of the Vehicles. What Businesses Use Fleet Leasing? Fleet leasing serves almost…

How to Submit Your First Transaction   Prepaid2Cash provides one of the simplest ways for customers to access their prepaid card and gift card funds using their phones. To use Prepaid2Cash, you first need to download the application from the Google Play or iTunes App Store, depending on your smartphone model. Follow the simple step by step guide to make your first transaction with Prepaid2Cash. 1. Sign up your account After successfully downloading and installing the app, you need to set up your account by entering your details. You can choose whether to sign up using your Facebook or your email account. You will then receive a confirmation code via text or email, which you will input to confirm your registration. 2. Navigate the App Once your account is registered, you will be prompted to dashboard which is the main menu for all your activities with Prepaid2Cash. You will notice the left corner has an extensive menu where you can view your transaction history and update any detail to your profile. The right-hand side has a bell that notifies you…

  IGNATIUS LOYOLA AND COUNTER-REFORMATION  Counter-reformation was marked with a spiritual, moral, and intellectual revival in the catholic church in the 16th and 17th centuries. During this period, numerous religious orders began to spring up. Among the famous orders that were well known, the society of Jesus had the most significant share. The community of Jesus was also known as Jesuits, and it was founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, who was approved by Pope Paul 3 in 1540.  St. Ignatius Loyola was the key figure behind the counter-reformation of the society of Jesus through the administration of vows, leading in the renewal of missionary activities, and also political influence. St. Loyola guided the Jesuits in an additional vow that was not practiced by other believers around the world. Loyola came up with a special vow that emphasized respecting church leadership.  Through vigorous campaigns, the society of Jesus leads in intellectual activities in the catholic church. The society organized church seminars and also founded schools and universities (Hillerbrand 367-675). Missionary activities were also renewed during Loyola’s tenure. Missionaries were extended outside…

  Argumentative Labor Economics essay Option 2: Employment of non-citizen workers is good for the economy, and therefore immigration is a net benefit that should not be restricted.   In most nations, there have been great debates on whether it is beneficial for nations to involve non-citizens or foreigners in the labor sector. Economics argues that the non-citizens contribute a lot to the overall growth of a country through the provision of labor services in which some of them are the most needed. Employment rates in most nations are low due to some reasons lack of enough expertise to undertake the job positions which require advanced level of skills. There has always been a shortage of experts in some professional fields, something which has contributed immensely to a drop in the economy, thus affecting other sectors of the economy, such as the private sector. This gap can best be bridged by allowing for non-citizens to take part in the economy building by offering their services in the labor sector. This approach is useful in boosting the overall growth of the…

Covid-19 Effects On The Aviation Industry In America The coronavirus has had a significant effect on the world’s economy, especially in trade and industry. Measures meant at curbing the pandemic have included lockdown, stay at home orders, and a ban on international travel in most countries. The ban on international and domestic travel has dealt a big blow to the aviation industry (Walt), especially in the United States. Therefore, the coronavirus has negatively affected the aviation industry, and its revival will take considerable effort from the government and the industry. The aviation industry in the US is arguably an oligopoly, as the market is primarily controlled by a few major airlines. The local air travel industry is controlled by four major airlines, with the rest controlling a relatively small percentage of the market. The four major airlines include American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, and United Airlines. These four airlines account for about 70 percent of all domestic flights (Segal). Consequently, these four major airlines will feel the biggest loss due to the grounding of domestic flights as a result…

What online casino should be outstanding? Meta Description: A good quality online casino has outstanding features that you need to know. Read more here. H1& PARAGRAPH 1: Qualities of an outstanding Online Casino Good quality online casinos that target the Polish market have to meet acceptable criteria for players to play casino games trustfully. In this article, you will learn all the crucial factors that make the online casino qualify to be outstanding. H2 Online casino bonuses and games offered Par 1 Bonuses provided in an online casino are another factor that you should put into consideration when choosing an online casino. It would help if you enquired about the bonuses available for polish people and which games. This knowledge will guide you in choosing a casino that offers incredible wins as you play. No deposit bonus Free spin bonus When choosing an online casino, be sure you understand the rules of the games offered. The rules regulating the games vary significantly depending on your location. Therefore, you should fully comprehend the games you choose and ensure they are most…

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