Ethical Dilemmas-House Introduction It is often difficult to make the judgment, primarily when it involves harming one side to let the other hand live. People have come across such situations in many areas. When it comes to matters between life and death, making such judgments is critical, yet very challenging. It involves emotions, pain, and the extreme dilemma of making a decision knowing that it must harm one to get the benefits of the choice. Medical practitioners have come across difficult times, especially in making such decisions. They may need to test different medicines on two individuals to find out one cure, and one that may result in death. The curing drug in such a situation may be needed to support a more significant population. Doctors, knowing that it is better to help the larger group of people, will choose to sacrifice one individual to save the rest. In extreme situations, these decisions may involve infants and newly born, whose parents’ only wish is to see them become healthy. Such conditions demand a lot of strength in medical practitioners as…

How does this person think that are older people treated in their country/culture of origin? Introduction The elderly Folks in our community are a source of blessing. When a person has lived long enough to see his prime, then he has lived a good life. Currently, life expectancy is gradually deteriorating, with an average person hardly living to see their forties. Nonetheless, in countries mostly in the Middle East, the number of elderlies is far much higher than in America. This is because, in countries such as Japan, the elderly are taken care of, and that’s why they live so long. In his paper, I will record the thoughts of a 55-year-old Japanese man living in America. I will interview him about his thoughts on the treatment of older people in his culture and what are his views regarding the treatment of older people in the mainstream American Culture. Additionally, I will discuss the similarities and differences in aging in Japan and America, respectively. How does this person think that are older people treated in their country/culture of origin? My…

Classic Brands Hercules Instant Folding Mattress Foundation High Profile 7.5-Inch Box-Spring Replacement, Twin Beds are uncommon in our lives since we invest extraordinary energy in them. They are various sorts of beds accessible in today’s market. The most requested are regularly the ones which are agreeable. Over the ongoing years, collapsing beds have progressively become well known on account of their dependability in sparing space among different advantages. This is the best decision for an adobe with little space. Ordinarily, the bed can be overlay into a littler size and put away in an organizer, closet or wherever without requiring such a large number of the room. The collapsing bed includes a point which can be collapsed inside and outside. The collapsing bed regularly has extendable legs for lifting it off the ground when being collapsed out. It is additionally customizable for back help that can aid you in decreasing back-related intricacies. The collapsing bed has a solid metallic edge and an adaptable spring sleeping cushion. For the individuals who much of the time move starting with one spot then…

Considerations in Designing a Qualitative Study             Courtney, Kiernan, Guerin, Ryan, and McQuillan’s article is titled “Mothers’ perspectives of the experience and impact of caring for their child with a life‐limiting neurodevelopmental disability.” The purpose of the study is to investigate the experiences of mothers caring for children with life-limiting neurodevelopmental disabilities. The study also aims to understand the perceptions of mothers and impact that caring for a child with special needs has on the family (Courtney et al., 2018). The primary research question from the article is: To understand the perspectives of mothers and impact on themselves and their families when caring for a child with a life-limiting neurodevelopmental disability. The article clearly presented the research design. The authors have designated a part in the article that names and describes the research design. The research design chosen by the authors is subjective interpretivist strand that they plan to use to gain a deeper insight into the issues involved when caring for a child with the named disability (Courtney et al., 2018). Through an interpretivism research design, researchers explore crucial…

 reports of oral health Culture are shared beliefs or actions by a specific group of people who have the same social relationship. The critical component of the social structure is the process of people making sense of both conscious and conscious assumptions, practices and expectations of their life. Culture organizes the social group’s norms and beliefs of death, life, children’s care and their birth. This process also involves health care seeking when an illness occurs within the members of the society. At sometimes, social beliefs and norms can act as a barrier to accessing health services in hospitals. According to several reports of oral health, it is evident that some of the people in the United States indicate that specific minority ethnic groups have the poor oral status of health. Being one of the ethnic group members does not suggest that one have poor health status. However, some certain cultural practices and beliefs may be familiar to the members of these groups that influence health status. Such beliefs and practices include values that are placed on therapeutic or preventive expectations…

CDA portfolio project COMPETENCY GOAL I To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment RC Iessays.blablawriting.com3. Provide a sample of your weekly plan that includes goals for children’s learning and development, brief desсrіptions of planned learning experiences, and also accommodations for children with special needs (whether for children you currently serve or may serve in the future). Indicate the age group(s) for which the plan is intended. COMPETENCY GOAL II To advance physical and intellectual competence RC II. Describe nine learning experiences (activities), written in your own words, including one from each of the following curricular areas: • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com1 Science/ Sensory • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com2 Language and Literacy • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com3 Creative Arts • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com4 Fine Motor (please choose an indoor activity) • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com5 Gross Motor (please choose an outdoor activity) • [unique_solution]RCIIessays.blablawriting.com6 Self Concept • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com7 Emotional Skills/ Regulation • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com8 Social Skills • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com9 Mathematics TEACHING ESSENTIALS 69 For example, for RC IIessays.blablawriting.com1, Science/Sensory, you might write about an experience entitled “Smell Jars” and for RC IIessays.blablawriting.com6, Self Concept, you might write about an experience entitled “Self Portraits”. For each…

A research paper Outline: Domestic Violence Introduction Domestic violence refers to any behavior undertaken by the abuser to gain control and power over a partner, spouse, and or boyfriend/girlfriend. Domestic violence is an area of concern that requires immediate actions from the government all over the world. Women are a larger group affected by domestic violence. For instance, in the United States, three women are murdered each day by a male partner, a total of thirty-eight million, and twenty eighty thousand (38,028,000) have suffered from the domestic abuse from an intimate partner.  Most of the victims suffering from domestic abuse are afraid of exposing their partners to the people’s authority. Hence they continue to endure the situation, which sometimes leads to death. Domestic abuse affects most of the people in society, especially in the United States; hence there is a need for the victims to corporate with the government agencies to put the problem to an end. Domestic abuse occurs in the form of verbal, physical, and sexual assault. Verbal Abuse Verbal abuse refers to the abusive statements made by…

Problem Description: There’s a need for developing child-life services in pediatric setting. Hospitalization of a child is subject to a lot of emotional and mental torture to the child, family, and friends. Such periods are characterized by confusion, stress, and fear of everyone related to the patient (Maier, 2017). I have witnessed a lack of psychological-appropriate interventions in various pediatric units to alleviate stress among children and their families. Given the fact that most hospitals either under-value or are entirely ignorant of the importance of a child-life specialist, it is of considerable significance that therapeutic counseling is incorporated to improve the well-being of children. In the bid to ensure a multi-disciplinary, value-based, and integrated health care delivery, there is a need to incorporate child life specialists in our health system. According to Maier (2017), human service has a role to play in society by availing a certified child-life specialist to work with pediatric patients having chronic or acute medical conditions. Child life professionals offer a calming presence by helping children and families cope with their bewildering events. The procedures these…

Dissertation Thesis Proposal Outline I submited an inital Dissertation Thesis Proposal Outline. However, need it revised for a final proposal outlne. Advisor request a name change with the word ″up″ left out of it. The proposal is about coping after a significant loss and finding a new normal. It is about why some persons are more resiliant than others. I was considering women or both genders who have experienced similar loss, be it chronic illness, spouse or child. There is no need to study among different societies or groups of people. But the population needs to be specific. For example, adult children whose parents divorced. There needs to be a christian evidence to this approach, but uncertain if that actually needs to be included in the outline. I have a choice between a project or thesis. I have chosen a thesis. All words need to say ″thesis″ and not project. The articles need to be between 2010-2018, 100-200 articles. There needs to be a flow to the outline. For example, section V. there has to be at least 3 main…

Coronavirus Pandemic The World Health Organization declared COVID19 a public health emergency that needed every country to be on alert. The disease that was discovered in Wuhan, a city in Hubei province in China has left a toll of suffering and death in most countries. The high number of deaths and how the disease is quick to spread prompted WHO to declare it a global pandemic in 11th March. As of today (8th March), the number of deaths due to COVID19 is at 82,101. The number of confirmed cases in over 209 countries is 1,431,973. As the disease spread, there has been a lot of misinformation spreading, but here is what you need to know about the virus. What is COVID19 COVID19 is a viral infection that is highly transmittable. The disease is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.  According to Genomic Analysis, SARS-CoV-2 could be related to a group of bat viruses which is similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome. Because of this, the disease is considered to have originated from bats. The…

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