International Affairs The Chinese government has had long ties with North Korea. China supports North Korea with the much-needed oil and food aid. China as a vested interest in North Korea since it serves its geostrategic interests. Therefore, China would not wish to see a regime collapses since this will lead to loss of a trading partner and further the country may experience refugee influx (Chang-Kwoun, 2015). It is instructing that Beijing is concerned about North Korea’s nuclear program as evidenced by its push for a resumption of six-party talks that aims to denuclearize North Korea. China has been supporting North Korea since 1950-1953 during Korean War. The two countries have collaborated to date and China continues to offer political and economic support to North Korea. The latest North Korea missile test came to play in 2017 and China expressed its concerns and, in the event, called North Korea to refrain from such actions since they were causing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The fact that China expresses displeasure with the North Korea nuclear ambitions notwithstanding, Beijing seems to take…

nurses have the obligation of ensuring that patients are well taken care of I agree with my colleague as nurses have the obligation of ensuring that patients are well taken care of in healthcare institutions and even giving home care. It is also true that the introduction of Electronic Health Records has been a significant advancement as it makes the work of the nurses much more manageable. Nursing informatics has a substantial goal of improving people’s lives and, at the same time, making treatment more affordable. Nursing informaticists interact with nurses for smooth operation in the health institution. The various healthcare technologies used by the nurses are managed and interpreted by health informaticists. The two, therefore, work in unison to achieve a common goal, which is to improve patient care’s quality. Every advanced healthcare institution has nursing informaticists to help in aligning excellent nursing routines. They also develop clinical tactics and procedures, choose and even test medical equipment, and lessening medical errors. I also agree that communication in a healthcare organization can be enhanced by giving a logical explanation as…

Compare and Contrast Essay This paper presents a compare-contrast essay that indicates the price people are willing to pay to fulfil their ambitions. It compares and contrasts the experiences the Annie John to that of her parents, concerning the sacrifices that both parties make and whether their choices were worthwhile or not. “My mother and father, I was leaving them forever, my home, I was leaving it forever” (Jamaica 2) these were the comments of Annie John after she realized that she was leaving her home. However, the sacrifice was just right since there was a high sense that if she stayed at home, then she would not have been free to do as she sees fit. In other words, she might have ended up taking the housewife role like her mother. Women should be free to make their own decisions, and so are men and gender stereotyping is not right. Thus, it was right for Annie to ignore her parent’s cultural ideologies to follow her ambitions in London. When the day to leave comes, Annie grips her parents’ hands,…

Truman Show Media is a medium that affects and influences the daily lives of people. Individuals post on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Tumblr.  These people post various events occurring in their lives, such as the places they visit, what they are eating, wearing, and pictures of their friends and relatives. There is the exposure of almost every aspect of people’s lives to the world, and anyone can access them. The Truman Show is about a man called Truman Burbank whose life is a non-stop television show. He is not aware that his whole town is a studio set run by a director named Christof. The people Truman thinks are his neighbours are actors from Hollywood, and even his wife is a contact player in his fake life. These people know that his life is false, but they do not tell him; instead, they exploit him. In Truman’s hometown, the media was used to display his life for everyone to see. Everybody saw and had knowledge of his marriage to Meryl, although he was in…

 NATO/US Invasion of Afghanistan Method For this report, I picked the book “Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis” by Kenneth N. Waltz. The book shows how Waltz classifies the theories on the causes of war. In the book, the three theories are referred to as images with each image taking up two chapters. This book served the primary purpose of providing necessary and relevant information for the report. In addition, the book “The theory of international politics” by Kenneth N. Waltz was used. The book gives detailed and in-depth information about the theory of international politics. The book serves gives one a deeper understanding of why the US found it necessary to invade Afghanistan and eliminate the Taliban movement. Also, a thematic report on the “Local Afghanistan Power structures and the international military intervention” was used. The thematic report provided information on the local power structure of Afghanistan and why there was need for international military intervention. Also, an article namely, “Afghanistan still at a standstill” was included. This article was useful in finding out how the invasion…

Religious Discourse QUESTION ONE The most captivating or inspirational thing from the reading was how it suggested that believers use Christianity to achieve two core objectives; unite humanity in Christian love, and encourage the dissemination of social systems that enhance incarnation of heaven here on earth. The first concept from all the reading material is captivating because it espouses the core function of Jesus teachings while on earth. Instead of all the relatively complex Judaism teachings in existence before this period, Christ instead encouraged people to adopt the notion of love for all beings and their environment because they are all God’s creation. Such a doctrine would be useful especially in the current existence which is marred by selfishness and loss of humanity. The second concept relates to the overall ambition of all Christian, and how their ambitions can be applied in a modern context to enhance life on earth. QUESTION TWO One interesting and troubling question the readings given raise is the conundrum surrounding global welfare as more converts are won over into Christianity. Herein, the main role of…

Employees are proven to be the best influencers to promote a product   Influencer marketing has gained considerable popularity in recent years and has helped businesses grow effectively. Enterprises have successfully used this method to get a tremendous hold over the market. With the help of influencers, they are experiencing high sales and are earning a good amount of proceeds. As there is an increase in the use of social media platforms, social media marketing is also rising and has gained good publicity. Social media helps companies of all niche effectively get high reach. Influencers share their point of view for a particular product or brand, and their followers make decisions based on the facts mentioned. Influences showcase different products and services.   Businesses are also in favour of such promotional activities as they require little investment. The investment in this type of marketing activities is much lower than what was made traditionally by brands for a promotional event. Employees are recognized as one of the best advocates and incredible influencers to promote the products and services and create brand…

Unity of Purpose Education was not a preference for the families living on the western side of Solya village. The people were already used to bringing up their children to be strong adults who could bear more children and carry on with the trend. It should not be confused with illiteracy or disregard for education. Rather, this community had one thing in common; the residents were poor and marginalized. Most of the people lived under the mercy of their employers who rewarded their tireless efforts with petty cash. The reward was received with gratitude as it was a rare occurrence to be paid at the end of the day. It was the season of cheap labor and job seekers were everywhere seeking for any opening. Young and old, they made efforts to gather as much as they could from the employers. Jeremy was one of the young boys whose parents remained dedicated to bring up to be a responsible young man. As the only boy in a family of six, his parents and siblings loved him and wished that he…

The Qing Dynasty The Qing dynasty was the last in China, and it fell in 1911-1912, which marked the end of the imperial history of the country. The death of the regime was contributed to by the external and internal forces that led to the miscalculations of the dynasty‘s leaders (Zhang, 2013). The external forces that led to its downfall were western technology, the power of the Asian and European imperial ambitions, which the leader of the Qing dynasty underestimated. The other reason that contributed to the collapse was the internal series of devastating rebellion that caused an inner turmoil. The white lotus rebellion of 1794 and the boxer rebellion in 1899-1901 contributed to the uprise that caused the downfall of the dynasty. The transition of the governing system in china from a monarchy to a constitutional republic was not easy for the country, and it contributed to warlords and division of the country. The reasons behind the creation of the division and warlordism were due to the division from nationalism to regionalism. The disintegration of the military hierarchy from…

life when I was fresh out of college I was fresh out of college, having finished my pursuit of higher education. I had unfortunately not managed to secure a job right away due to my need for freedom and my desire to be lazy for a little while longer before taking on the world. My parents have reached what in their minds the limit of a parents responsibility, had indirectly been pushing me towards leaving the nest.   One day as I sat in our living room watching television, my father suggested we call aunt Victoria and inquire about my renting of her home while she was away. My mother eagerly agreed with him. Aunt Victoria was one of those early retirees who had already paid off her house and had purchased a home back in the Caribbean where she and my mother originated. Like many Dominicans, she liked to spend a good portion of the year again on the island with it’s calmer and slower-paced life. While I typically didn’t want to dive face-first into the responsibilities of adulthood,…

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