Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombings. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings in Japan were because of Japan’s insistence on surrendering unconditionally to end World War II. On the 6th August 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and a second bomb after three days, 9th August 1945 on Nagasaki (2019). The death toll was estimated at over 150,000 civilians. These bombings made Japan’s emperor Hirohito announce Japan’s unconditional surrender. The attack brought World War II to an end but led to the Cold War. Many have debated whether the United States was justified in using Nuclear weapons on Japan, sighting the US would have taken other measures to make Japan Surrender. The US was just another nation, soldiering on towards the finish of a dull time of humankind’s history that had witnessed the most expensive war ever. So they decided to embrace a position that appeared to restrict the measure of losses in the war by altogether shortening it with the utilization of nuclear weapons. It was absolutely a sensible view for the USA to take since…
How can the android app development companies help your business to grow? Starting a business may be easy but maintaining one is a very tricky and hectic part. Business needs nurturing like a plant. You need to put in a lot of hardworking and dedication to run your business prosperously. Marketing needs to be updated, and the latest technology involved helps it to transcend at great heights. There is a saturation of companies, and it is tough to stand your ground in this cut-throat era. If a company is wishing to access marketing through diverse genres, then it will opt for a development firm. These firms, such as Webnyxa has a broad spectrum of services that helps the companies to work with ease via android app development. The point to ponder here is that how do they help a business? The answer is as simple as it can get. A plethora of platforms Webnyxa, an android app development company in India, uses multiple ways, areas and channels to advertise your business. The use of social media and other platforms…
game-changer between 1500 and 1900 Essay: New technologies proved to be game-changer between 1500 and 1900. Massive improvement was made during this period. In short, we can say that the development and advancement of technology between the years 1500 and 1700 led to a cascade of revolutions in various aspects of the city. This includes the invention of the printing press, a revolutionary technology that led to the improvement of trade, the shift from exporting raw materials to finished goods, the advancements in the fields of science and medicine, the rising opportunity for investments, as well as the inception of consumerism. There was a lot of research and advancement in the field of medicine and food preservation. The invention of canning technology was a huge success. It made the shipment of meat and many other things like carrot, soup, vegetables and many other very easy. It boosted business in London. The advancement in glass technology proved to be fruitful, and it led to the improvement of microscopes. As a result, in the progress of the microscope, scientists found bacteria, and…
AC 2.4 Summarise the main points of discrimination legislation-200 Under UK Labour Law Equality act 2010, the protected characteristics are age, gender, sex, religion, ethnicity and race, disability as well as marriages, pregnancy and beliefs. In this aspect, the main points included in discrimination legislation are – Direct discrimination – It is the case when an employee is discriminated from others based on belonging to one of the protected groups. This can be based on sexual orientation, gender, age or some disability. Indirect discrimination- This occurs because of an unreasonable policy or rule, which is considered the same for all but lays an unfair impact on people. For example, according to a rule worker should reach the office by 8 am, but this may be disadvantageous for women because of other responsibilities as well. Harassment – This is for any threatening towards an employee. Harassing an individual is illegal as this harms work, productivity and safety of employees at work. Victimization – This is used in discrimination when an employer treats some selected employees with more respect as compared…
Culture and Global HRM In the current business environment, the internalization of business is increasingly becoming an inevitable precondition for future development and growth of organizations. However, the internalization of businesses necessitates organizations to formulate and actualize different changes in the course of business operations. One of the sectors that need changes in human resource management. In the modern world economy, human professionals, employees, and managers work with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Most global businesses are facing the problem of adaptability to the varied cultures that employees and managers are subjected to in the course of business operations. Most employees encounter awkward situations regularly. The major problem that hinders global effective human resource management is perhaps the communication aspect. Different cultures have varied languages and hence make it almost impossible to have seamless communication. The problem of communication in international human resource management is amongst the compelling forces that have necessitated research on culture and international human resource management. This paper is purposed to examine tools and options for enhancing effective communication in the global economy. Also, the paper…
Reflecting on more contemporary writers Reflecting on more contemporary writers (e.g. Gillman, Du Bois, Fanon) we could argue that each in their own way builds upon ideas presented by the core theorists (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber). Discuss how these writers are informed by one of those theorists, and elaborate on how you believe they go beyond that theorist to improve our understanding of contemporary society? Gilman, Du Bois, and Fanon have all been informed by Marx and have all gone beyond him to improve our understanding of contemporary society. Gilman, on his side, was informed by the conflict theory and went beyond Marx’s demonstration. Fanon as well builds on Marx from the ideas of alienation. To Du Bois, he was informed by the idea of capitalism and the economist and liberal thoughts. Gilman, in her own way, builds upon ideas presented by Marx. The Marxist conflict theory-informed her. Although Marx informed her, Gilman also partook in the initial wave of feminism, challenging social ideals, that women are subordinate to men. There are similarities in these two theorists and also differences…
An in-depth analysis of Hamlet Society forms the core of our sense of being and the moral values we perceive in our daily routines. The environment that the community surrounds us with forms the center to the character and the character traits we take up. These factors can vary from the people we associate ourselves with the actions and outcomes of a particular situation; all these affect us in one way or another in developing our self-understanding. Self-concept is the image we all have of ourselves, an individual’s behavioral perceptions, and personal characteristics. Self-discovery is an ever-changing theme in our lives that become cemented with age (Oyserman et al.). Through such, every individual will understand and exemplify their personas accordingly and the way they reveal themselves to the world around them. The Tragedy of the Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, is often known as the Hamlet and is one of the most extended plays ever written by Shakespeare. The plot talks of Prince Hamlet, who is in a quest to revenge his father’s demise. The siting King Claudius…
stereotype in both Eastern and Western cultures There is a common stereotype in both Eastern and Western cultures where it is believed that women are emotional than men. This is mostly when the response to negative emotions is concerned. Emotions have been gendered, and this topic seeks to identify the difference between women and men in various ways in which the two genders express their feelings. It is believed that women discrete emotions such as happiness, sadness, disguise, and fear more than men. Many scholars and researchers have found out that most of the expression of different emotions in men and women is due to the socialized gender roles. Studies show that the expression of these emotions are not biologically caused but caused by the difference in social expectations of men and women in society. Psychologists do not agree with the notion that men experience fewer emotions as compared to women. Most researchers tell men to express restrictive emotions. This refers to the act od constantly expressing certain emotions and unwillingly disclose intimate feelings. The tendency of men exhibiting…
What justice is as described in The Republic and Crito? Plato gives a crucial platform of justice concept. He used Dikaisyne” which is a Greek word for justice, which is a closer term to righteousness and morality. It is surrounded by the entire duty of man. It more also includes the subject of personal behavior as far as it touches on others. Plato asserts that justice is soul worth, as an aspect in which people get rid of irrational needs to taste each pleasure, attain selfish achievement from each object, and fit themselves to the release of one function for universal gain. Cephalus asserts that justice is talking about the truth and returning debt. He thus associates justice with good conduct. On the other hand, according to Polemarchus justice includes issuing what is good to him. This implies that justice is acting right to friends and wrong to your rivals. Thrasymachus, who stands for the critical and new perception, advanced the entire concept of justice. He describes justice as the interest of the powerful. Which implies that power is correct.…
Financial benefits of digital communication Article 1 Oldham, G. R., & Da Silva, N. (2015). The impact of digital technology on the generation and implementation of creative ideas in the workplace. Computers in Human Behavior, 42, 5-11. The authors Oldham and Da Silva have mastered the field of It and its usage in a practical sense. The scope of the paper extends to the use of digital technology and digital communication in the improvement of the organizational situation, particularly the financial condition. It is a peer-reviewed article. Intended audience The authors have chosen the employees of the organizations to be the intended audience. Compare or contrast Innovation at the workplace with strategic digital communication engaging employees can enable the facility to overcome the competition in the fierce market. In contrast to the work of Karanges et al. (2015), these authors did not suggest that internal public relations could improve the financial condition rather than the contributions of the employees. Illumination of work The proposed report has defined how employee engagement can improve the financial condition of the organization with strategic…