Extreme or deviant case sampling and Criminal Justice Criminal Justice 1. Extreme or deviant case sampling – this type of sampling selects specific unusual cases considered special based on their levels of success or failure (Seawright, 2016). intensity sampling focus on distribution range whereby the evaluator selects cases with the specific phenomenon which is considered to be intense (Seawright, 2016). Maximum variation sampling uses the maximum variation, whereby it selects an extreme range of participants to have a wider variety (Seawright, 2016). Homogeneous sampling involves choosing identical traits; for instance, people sharing the same age,location or employment status (Seawright, 2016). Purposeful random sampling involves selecting sample sizes based on the characteristics of a specified population (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim,2016). Sampling politically and significant cases this sampling method selects examples that attract or avoids any attention involves including or excluding specific sensitive claims. Typical case sampling consists of picking up sample sizes based on profile agreed the profile are those who are unfamiliar with the program (Seawright, 2016). Criterion sampling involves selecting specific cases that meet specific predetermined criteria of importance.…
Team 2 Haraway The essay written by Haraway focuses on a society that build its trust into materialism, socialism and feminisms. Ava is social feminist strategy depicting how the technology has changed over the time, and the perception of who is a man or woman has drastically changed. The cyborg created is seen to be very different on how human beliefs, it has no culture ties rather than earth person has a place on earth, no matter their gender or affiliation. The easy is seen to contradict with the past perception of feminism, more so, in the political identity, and also the support of affiliation by the use of affinity. The author utilizes cyborg to encourage the feminists to withdraw the tradition perception of politics, feminism and gender, marking one of the pioneer of feminist pothumanist theory. Within the “Manifesto” Haraway is seen to focus on three breach of boundaries one of them being a breach between human and machine. The 20th machine have portrayed a bigger meaning of boundaries between the artificial and natural. The cyborg is not able…
A Comparison Paper of ACA and AACC Codes of Ethics Most of the professional bodies and associations have prescribed and published code of ethics that guide their members on the most suitable ways to act in different situations. Ethics are an essential part of professionalism and serves to streamline and sanitize the activities, behavior, decision making, and operations of those concerned in discharging their activities. Counseling, including the Christian segment, has specific codes of ethics that have vast similarities and notable differences in how they are framed and the expectations. The American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) have published ethical codes of professional conduct, which guide the professionals on their activities relating to serving the clients. Some of the most critical aspects of this comparative assessment include competence, confidentiality, relationships with the clients, informed consent, and observation of laws and regulations. Competence One of the most glaring similarities for both the ACA and AACC codes of ethics relates to competence. Both codes of ethics highlight the essentiality of being a competent counselor. According to…
Discrimination in Hiring List of Possible Actions the HR Can Take One of the possible actions that the HR should take is advising the search committee on the importance of hiring Saryn. Being the best candidate with the best qualities for the job, the HR should insist on hiring her, because she will improve the performance of the hospital in service delivery. The Actions I Would Suggest As the Most Appropriate For the HR I would suggest that the HR sticks with employing the best candidate Saryn, because of the skills and knowledge she has to perform the job for the benefit of the hospital and also because it will be the right thing to do ethically to avoid discrimination in any appointments and selections in the future. Legal Issues Yes, there are legal issues of discrimination and slander. The law provides that everyone has a right not to be discriminated against because of age, physical ability or appearance, and color. In this case, there is slander by the selection committee because of the utterances about her weight and appearance.…
Discussion Board Post Real Estate Law The real estate contract can be salvaged when one element is missing, and this is the element of their being a written agreement. A contract between two people can be expressed in various forms to include verbal form and not necessarily written form. For example, in case I promise my neighbor that I will sell him my car at 2,000 dollars without putting this in written, the response from my neighbor of giving me the requested amount as per the agreement makes the contract valid. However, there has to be mutual agreement, legal capacity, lawful purpose, and consideration, all of which are evident in the contract between my neighbor and I. Therefore, missing one element of having the contract in written form does not make it invalid.The real estate contract can be salvaged when one element is missing, and this is the element of their being a written agreement. A contract between two people can be expressed in various forms to include verbal form and not necessarily written form. For example, in case I…
NATIONAL CULTURE AS MODERATOR BETWEEN SOCIAL NORM, RELIGIOSITY, AND TAX EVASION: META-ANALYSIS STUDY Abstract. The research purpose is to present meta-analysis results of the relationship between social norms and religiosity on tax evasion using national culture as a moderator variable. The previous results showed mixed results about the relationship between social norms, religiosity, and tax evasion. Meta-analysis is considered as a way out of saturated and inconsistent research because it provides an efficient and systematic approach to provide robust conclusions. This research is synthesizing a total of 54 results from 14 individual articles published from 1989 to 2017. This study shows three main findings. Although social norms are not effective in combating tax evasion, religiosity is a useful tool in decreasing tax evasion. Theoretically, national culture plays a vital role as moderating variables of social norm and religiosity on tax evasion. Still, this variable cannot moderate the relationship between both two independent variables and tax evasion. These findings show that the theory of planned behavior is inconsistent in predicting the influence of social norms on tax evasion. In practice,…
The Pursuit of Beauty in Korean Society “People don’t understand the need for me to look perfect”. The words of Kim Kardashian are a reflection of the nature of Korean women. Contemporary society has created a new culture that puts pressure on women, particularly the women of South Korea, to look their best. As such, women have gone out of their way to reach the meaning and the overall description of beauty. The most surprising fact of it all is that there is a standard that has been set to meet the requirements for beauty. For Korean women, beauty is measured by pale skin, high nose bridge, big eyes, skinny legs, cherry lips, and a small face. With this mounting pressure of the Korean women to look good, the women have had to go out of their way to meet the beauty needs. Business organizations have, however, taken advantage of the ready market in South Korea, and the beauty products business has gained popularity in the nation. The incorporation of beauty in Korean culture is gradually causing destructive impacts on…
Social and Cultural Identity Introduction Social identity is a major concept that revolves around any culture. The concept tends to focus on the uniqueness of a certain culture as a social aspect. On a broader perspective, social identity takes the lane of defining certain groups of individuals based on their social life. Most often, social identity can be addressed through several sources. There are five main sources of social identity, which include gender, social class, region, age, and ethnicity (Rao, 2018). These help an individual identify their culture as well as social life, especially in most cultural events. With that said, this paper tends to explore the concept of social identity by using two selected cultural events. The paper will, on the onset, enlighten on the two selected events and later address the concept of social identity in relation to the two events. Selected Multicultural Events The paper features two particular and unique cultural events that I attended recently in China. The first event is the Trade Gala that took place in China in 2019. The Trade Gala, which was…
Social and Economic Justice Justice refers to a set of universal values that assists in guiding an individual to judge what is wrong and right, regardless of the society or culture in which they live. Social justice is, therefore, the manner in which the manifestation of human rights happens in an individuals’ everyday lives at any given level in society (Jackson & Usher, 2019). Clerk argued that that social justice constitutes a concept of a just and fair relationship between the society and individual and can be gauged by how opportunities for personal activities and wealth, as well as social privileges, are distributed among people (Jackson & Usher, 2019). Furthermore, Clerk maintained that social justice encompasses values like equal wealth to every citizen as well as the rights of meeting their basic requirements. On the other hand, economic justice, which concerns social order as well as an individual person, entails moral principles which assist us in designing a good economic institution (Lombard & Twikirize, 2014). It is these institutions that help in determining how every individual earns a living, exchange…
Gun Laws The issue of gun laws has been of great concern in the United States for decades. There have been endless debates about gun laws with different people coming up with various opinions. The increase crime rate has also led to controversies between the republicans and democrats about gun policy. There have been fundamental differences between republicans and democrats on the questions relating to the causes of gun violence. Many people also possess guns illegally, and this has caused gun violence to become one of the significant issues in the country. Nonetheless, legally obtained guns have also been used in gun violence. Therefore, various aspects can be analyzed concerning gun laws and gun violence in the United States. Some of the issues that are being addressed by both the democrats and republicans concerning gun laws include permitting teachers to carry guns, proposals to allow concealed carry in more places, and shortening waiting periods for those who want to buy guns illegally. Democrats and Republicans Views about how Legally Obtained Guns Contribute to Violence There have been different views about…