Policing and Society: Where Are We Headed? Assignment 1: Modern Day Policing and Society: Where Are We Headed? Due Week 4 and worth 110 points In this course, we have been learning about the different eras of policing, from the inception of the first police force in 1829 to the current era of policing today. Based on the current climate, there is a level of distrust today between the police and the public. Riots, marches, and protests in response to high-profile police shootings have eroded the relationships that were built through community policing. With the hopes of improving police efficiency and finding new approaches to working together with the public, the country is again ready for a new era of policing. Use the Internet and your textbook to research the different eras of policing until today. Based on the changing role and function of police officers over the years, address the questions below relative to the current state of policing and where we are headed in the future. [unique_solution]As an optional component of this assignment for extra credit, you may…

Outline of Saint Report Outline of Saint Report: a. Personal qualities and gifts of the saint b. Important events in the saint’s life (year & place of birth, feast day, their ministry, their death, canonized, information about their life, special moments, moments of conversion, manifestations of God? c. Why you chose this particular saint? d. How is this saint a model of Christian life for you? What has happened that you can compare your life to them or what do you see in them for you to want to have them as a model? e. Create your OWN personal prayer to this saint. Please do not copy paste a prayer from them from the internet.[unique_solution] Outline of Saint Report: a. Personal qualities and gifts of the saint b. Important events in the saint’s life (year & place of birth, feast day, their ministry, their death, canonized, information about their life, special moments, moments of conversion, manifestations of God? c. Why you chose this particular saint? d. How is this saint a model of Christian life for you? What has happened…

MY THEORY OF COUNSELLING It is what you do in a relationship, not what others choose that is reality therapy (William Glasser). These words hung on the main door to our clinic, and whenever I see them, a deep sense of the reality therapy revolves around my mind. A group of linked ideas aimed at explaining something and dos provide a framework for the explanations is what is referred to as a theory. Reality therapy relates to the method of counselling and psychotherapy developed by William Glasser and enables human beings to examine their wants and needs. They too evaluate their manners wholeheartedly while making plans for satisfying and accomplishing their needs as well as those of others around them. William Glasser developed reality theory in the year 1965 when he published one of his many books and fro this one specifically he assigned it, the title Reality therapy. William Glasser was born in the year 1925, and he attended Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio). Among his massive collection of books is Reality Therapy, which he wrote in the…

Gender diversity in Nominations for Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel is the founder of the famous Nobel prizes who had left an immense fortune to establish the Nobel prizes. Before his death, Alfred clearly stated that the interest from the investment of his wealth should get annually distributed in the form of awards to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the most significant benefit on humanity (Richard, 2000). The prizes have become an important symbol of scientific achievement and discovery and they annually generates enormous interest in the scientific community and the general public (Yves and Mathews, 2009) . Alfred Nobel made it clear for all fields that there would be no favouritism accorded when giving the prices, instead, the most worthy candidate, regardless of their nationality would receive the prize. It is not clear the criteria applied by the Nobel committees when nominating science candidates, but they have seemingly remained fixed over a long period evident in the gender bias. According to Hillevi (2016), an intelligent woman cannot be a real woman because it is only men,…

Leadership paper    Leadership is one of the essential components that contribute to organizational success. Avery (2005), defines leadership as the quality of being able to mobilize people, or employees towards achieving a common set goal, for the advantage of the company and all stakeholders. Katz (2015), also defines leadership as the ability of an individual to influence and guide others towards a particular direction that is advantageous to them, or that will enable them to achieve specific critical set objectives. The leader, therefore, should possess a clear focus towards issues, maintain the utmost integrity, be a good team player, be courageous, and also have the utmost humility. They should also be able to make reliable and appropriate decisions without fear. These qualities enable leaders to be able to handle challenging tasks that may come up during their leadership tenures. Leadership works in a sophisticated way; in that, the chosen leader is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that those that he is leading can go in the same direction as him (Alimo and Alban, 2005). With the sole aim…

Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Racism can be viewed as beliefs of the superiority of one race or ethical group. Racism between different groups has been used to exercise inequality as the perpetrators believe that the differences between the groups are genetic. Prejudice, as the name suggests, is a prejudgment where an individual or a group has a negative idea about another individual or a group based on generalization or stereotypes. Prejudice is known to be a significant factor that leads to discrimination. Discrimination is unequal treatment of members of a social group. Therefore, racism, bigotry, and discrimination lead to unequal treatment of especially minority groups in society such as blacks. One of the significant factors that lead to augmentation in racism, prejudice, and discrimination is social beliefs on the superiority of a particular group (Iheed, 2014). Through these social beliefs, the majority group will tend to prejudice and discriminate on the minority group, thus acting as a significant factor for the concepts — also, the presence of policies and laws that foster discrimination and reinforce inequalities in society. For example,…

My Biggest Inspiration Without a doubt, my biggest inspiration is my mother. Indeed, she is perhaps my most favorite person in the whole universe. There are many reasons for this such as her unconditional love for me and my siblings, her endless sacrifices in the quest to make sure we are happy, her internal strength that makes everything better, and her profound wisdom rooted in her soul; these are a just a few attributes of this incredible woman. Simply stated, she is not only a precious gift to her children, but also to the world. My mother has a caring and kind heart, which is a rare quality in this world we exist. She gave birth to me and my siblings but still ended up taking care of the underprivileged children in our neighborhood. She devoted her love, warmth, and heart amongst each of us without any bias or favoritism. How she manages is still a mystery to all of us whom she took care of. Preparing outstanding meals is among one of the things my mum likes to do.…

Crime and Justice   An increase in criminal activities leads to increased police disembarkment around the area. This is the reason why the New York Police Department adopted a similar strategy. The program named stop and frisk was aimed at reducing criminal activities in the city. Research has indicated increased police disembarkment in an area serves order. For instance, in New York State, the program led to a drastic decrease in criminal activities. Data from statistics held that crime rate decreased significantly.  However, this program by the New York State did not serve equal justice. This program ad several disadvantages and served justice discriminatively. This paper focuses on analyzing the stop and frisk program and seeks to shed insight on the effect of such a program on the rendering of justice. The stop and frisk was a policy initiated by the NYPD. It involved the police stopping, detaining, and questioning pedestrians. They would search for anyone who seemed capable of carrying out an attack as long as the police have reasonable suspicion. According to studies carried out in the state,…

Power of Nonviolence             In a world where terrorism has dominated the headlines, violence has become the norm of human life. The right response has been the debate in several countries. Many people believe that terrorism should be met with an equal measure of violence. Terrorism has been associated with extremism and massive disrespect to humanity. Most terrorists fight with the motivation that it is a religious obligation to fight for the cause that aims at establishing the dominance of a particular religion in a given region. Terrorists tend to defend their cause based on religious writings that are not interpreted well among the people. Agencies tasked with fighting extremism and terrorism, have had difficulties in choosing the right way to take. For example, several groups disagree on whether to use violence to destroy terrorist groups or to use diplomacy and peaceful negotiations to change the way of thinking of the different groups.  Yousufzai Malala has risen above the odds to prove that nonviolence is more powerful than violence and can be seen to challenge the course of terrorism. Born…

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