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Mental Health

mental health professionals in the United States

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mental health professionals in the United States

In contemporary society, one cannot just take much of the face value. Hence, there is need of critical thinkers in the society today. To achieve this, there is a need for more people to make decisions about pursuing psychology. For instance, there are no sufficient mental health professionals in the United States and the whole world. Hence, there is a need for training and educating other mental health professionals in meeting the demand in Nevada and the world at large. These mental health professionals can help in meeting the needs of the United States and the world. So there is a need for encouraging students to undertake psychology since they will help in addressing mental health issue patients effectively.  Consequently, psychology is the best to major in.

The evidence provided is not bias since it clearly shows that choosing psychology is the best since it brings help in society. If one has very dreamt of making a significant difference in people lives, then getting a psychology degree is the best choice to choose (Halonen, & Dunn, 2018). For instance, these psychologists, counsellors as well as a therapist and other community workers dedicate their time and energy in helping people in the society in overcoming of adversities. Additionally, psychology equips one with knowledge of encouraging people in unleashing their full potential, although it is emotionally demanding it such a fulfilling role.

On the other hand, the arguments concerning the psychology course are sound since there is enough evidence of supporting them. 20% of the citizens indeed have a high chance of developing any mental health disorder and behavioural disorder.  Further, the fact that psychology degree appears to be the third most popular course and this means there will be more professionals who will address the issue (Dunn, & Halonen, 2019). For instance, out of the 1,840,200 degrees, psychology had 114,400 students graduating in 2013. Most people are now choosing to major in psychology than in other disciplines.

There is a need for more information on why psychology is the best choice to major with. This includes that psychology helps in opening a door for various careers like children psychology and health psychology. Studying psychology helps one in learning about themselves and others, enabling more understanding of the people. Even though there are high unemployment rates of people that psychology survey is said to 5.2%in Nevada and in the US is 6.2% (Dunn, & Halonen, 2019). Pursuing a major in psychology acts as a starting point for one to further their graduate study. One can either opt-in majoring on psychology or choose to switch their fields.

The arguments, in conclusion, sit well with me because they are logical and sound. There is such a great need for student’s majoring in psychology since it has more benefits in a society like helping mentally ill patients. Additionally, it is advantageous for one to study psychology since it helps one in understanding oneself and other people. Hence, these conclusions and arguments sit well with me. There are different beliefs which counter that psychology is the best discipline to pursue. This is because psychology assumes in its conclusion s that the drive to people’s behaviours is sought through the inner world of people. This is because the human psyche does not like informant of us presenting itself as an open book and that people do seemingly contradicting and unreasonable things which is an extent of psychology evidence.


Dunn, D. S., & Halonen, J. S. (2019). The psychology major’s companion: Everything you need to know to get you where you want to go. Macmillan Higher Education.

Halonen, J. S., & Dunn, D. S. (2018). Embedding career issues in advanced psychology significant courses. The teaching of Psychology45(1), 41-49.



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