- I consider reciting essential because it enhances understanding. While reciting, a reader uses own words that are easier to remember. It is possible to relate what a person reads with individual words. When a person recites, information is likely to be stored in long-term memory because it is essential for retention. Whoever is reciting creates its explanation of the knowledge acquired, thus making it more relatable. I believe that quoting is, therefore, the most important of all the steps.
- At the moment, I intend to use RECITING while studying during this term. I will focus on the long term retention of information I acquire and that I can only achieve if I properly utilize RECITING. RECITING will help me to repeat the information that I will obtain several in my own words until I understand. I will do the recitation right to ensure that I retain most of the things that I will have learned at the end of the course. The use of recitation will act as a stepping stone to my success in education. However, that does not mean that I will not utilize the other elements, such as surveys, because they are all meaningful and useful when used together.
- When I applied SQ3R in reading chapters 1 and 2of the textbook, SURVEY was widely used primarily on the first page where there were learning objectives that guided me on what to expect in the chapters. Also, moving from a bold headline from one page to the other helped in guiding me on the content of the book. I also went through every key point and terms related to the content of chapters 1 and 2. I retained some of the headlines written in bold, and that helped my learning retention.
Manique Blockman
I love the fact that reciting is the most critical element of the SQ3R, just like me. Indeed reciting helps in the retention of information. It can sometimes be rhythmic, thus making the information easy to remember and relate. Using reciting as the study approach will help in ensuring that you do not forget most of the things learned. If reciting is used, it will be easy to recall the data that had already been retained. However, reciting cannot be used alone because there are other elements, such as Questioning.
Response 2: Reed A Sparling
Surveying is indeed an essential element of SQ3R, and its effectiveness can only be achieved if used alongside other features. It merely gives an overview of what will happen by having a clue for critical points that should be exhausted while reading. Being that it prepares you for what to expect, it does not cover everything. The brain gets ready for what it intends to deal with hence finding it easy to crack a difficult reading. A survey is the first element of SQ3R, which means that unless it is conducted effectively, it may not deliver the desired result. In case it is well applied, it is easier to excel in the future elements, thus making the acquisition of information lot easier.