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 Research Paper Outline

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 Research Paper Outline

The Research Paper Outline

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with sources cited and referenced accurately.

Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:

  • Use standard alphanumeric outline format
  • Include your thesis at the top of thepage before you start your outline
  • Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources
  • Include an APA formatted reference page
  • Include a title page
  • Use current APA Style throughout


Thesis Statement: Research shows long-term memory is shown to improve as people age into young adults however, once past that age it slowly declines but is proven to decline at a slower rate in people who are more physically active.[unique_solution]

Sources to be Used:

Week 4: Research Paper Outline

The Research Paper Outline

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with sources cited and referenced accurately.

Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:

  • Use standard alphanumeric outline format
  • Include your thesis at the top of thepage before you start your outline
  • Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources
  • Include an APA formatted reference page
  • Include a title page
  • Use current APA Style throughout


Thesis Statement: Research shows long-term memory is shown to improve as people age into young adults however, once past that age it slowly declines but is proven to decline at a slower rate in people who are more physically active.

Sources to be Used:

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