Kraft Heinz Company is a food and beverage company that ranks among the top three beverage companies in North America. Its brands have gained high customer loyalty all over the world. Therefore to counter competition and maintain their position as the households’ preferred, it has to be innovative. Kraft, like any other company, has developed a company website to advertise its products and give answers to questions raised by its customers. Its website has been designed to be comprehensive, educative, and fast. A good website is designed to advance the strategies of the firm. To achieve effectiveness in this task, the designs must create a good impression of the firm to first-time visitors. It should give the visitors a general view of what the company deals with their products and brands. A click on Kraft’s website provides a clear picture of all the company does together with the products it offers. Speed is very crucial for the ranking of a company’s website as well as its efficiency. The rate falls in the category of a website’s usability. Usability is the…
The rising technology Things are taking a different turn as technology is on the rise. One of the critical things to consider in this era is that the introduction of artificial intelligence is slowly locking many opportunities for the people. For instance, through artificial intelligence, they can come up with robots that will carry out most of the work. They will be programmed in the manner that they will take commands and finish some things on time (Townsend, DeMarie & Hendrickson, 1998). The humans on the other will lose most of their works as the machines will take over. It is, therefore, something that needs to be looked with much consideration. On the part of ideologies among workers, it is an exciting topic which explains how ideologies guide organizations. For instance, we can note from the fact that through ideologues, the organization can get better and skilled workers who will work to benefit the organization. The critical thing for this is the fact that an organization needs to have skilled employees with a positive. It is high time that organization…
RECITING I consider reciting essential because it enhances understanding. While reciting, a reader uses own words that are easier to remember. It is possible to relate what a person reads with individual words. When a person recites, information is likely to be stored in long-term memory because it is essential for retention. Whoever is reciting creates its explanation of the knowledge acquired, thus making it more relatable. I believe that quoting is, therefore, the most important of all the steps. At the moment, I intend to use RECITING while studying during this term. I will focus on the long term retention of information I acquire and that I can only achieve if I properly utilize RECITING. RECITING will help me to repeat the information that I will obtain several in my own words until I understand. I will do the recitation right to ensure that I retain most of the things that I will have learned at the end of the course. The use of recitation will act as a stepping stone to my success in education. However, that does…
Seniority and teachers in a company I prefer seniority since it rewards with loyalty to the teacher. The company believes that the members have been loyal to it, so they should also reciprocate. This makes the teacher feel a sense of their employer, and this makes it better than merit. Keeping experience, teachers who have worked for a long time are likely to be more experienced than those who are new. Still, even the new workers can bring new ideas in school since they may be having exposure to modern technology, and this may be about innovation. Salaries, in seniority layoffs, are supposed to be from the top of the issue in the company is the budget woes since trimming the lower-paid teacher would not help in the solving of the problem. As the human resource manager, I would prefer the use of computer networks in communication between departments using desktops as well as laptops. For personal correspondence, they can use mobile devices, which would include smartphones and computer tablets. I prefer the use of the English language for official…
Hudson’s Bay Case Study I am the Chief Executive Officer at Hudson’s Bay retail Company (HBC). And one of my core responsibilities to advise the board on the best way forward and formulate policies that guide the course of action of all the staff members. In summary, my role is to ensure all the decisions and strategies lead to high performance and long term sustainability. In the 1990s, HBC implemented the acquisition strategy by purchasing Woodward Stores in Western Canada and Kmart Canada later in 1998 (Whitehead & Campbell, 2018). Then in 1999, HBC opened Three-bed, Bath, and more outlets in the Greater Toronto area, a diversification strategy in the Canadian retail market (Whitehead & Campbell, 2018). From the 1990s to 2015, HBC has been performing competitively due to extensive commerce presence and acquisitions. However, HBC faced a massive drawback in 2017 when there was a $221 million loss in the first quarter (Whitehead & Campbell, 2018). And this occurred because HBC could not keep up with the high-quality shipping services that rival companies like Amazon were providing. HBC is…
Coronavirus effect on businesses The Coronavirus has undoubtedly had an impact on the global economy. Many businesses, particularly the brick and mortar offline stores, have found it a challenge operating normally. With many people now staying at home and keeping a safe social distance, many people are turning to online stores for their supplies. The Stationery Industry Like many other businesses across the world, the stationery industry has been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Many stationery trade fairs have either been cancelled or delayed as a result of the virus. For instance,the 127th Canton Fair, one of China’s biggest annual trade fairs, was postponed indefinitely due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Most school-going children are now at home with their parents. However, parents still need to keep these children occupied during this long school holiday. There has never been a better time for parents to engage the creativity gear in their children. With both parents and children at home, parents can get stationery for their children and have them try out new drawings and painting. Here, they’ll need a…
Real-life situations Discussion 4 Real-life application Response Predictor Goal Explanation Classification Determine if a tumor is benign or malignant benign / malignant Size of the tumor, age of the tumor Prediction Involves classification of a tumor as benign or malignant based on its age and size. Determine if a loan application qualifies or not Qualify/ not-qualify Credit worth, Amount requested Prediction It involves finding out if a loan application qualifies or not. Determine if launching a new product will be a success or failure success/failure The budget allocated for Marketing, product price and demand Prediction Interested in predicting if a product launch will be a success or a failure. Regression Determine the impact of the amount of rainfall on the amount of yield Yield amount Amount of rainfall Inference Involves finding a relationship between rainfall amount and yield. Determine the influence of number of sales and inflation rate on the product price Product price Sales and inflation rate Inference Involves finding a relationship between sales, inflation and product price Determine the impact of exam results from hours spent studying…
Ideas and Knowledge as Socially Constructed Based on the tenets of the theory of social constructionism, people develop ideas and knowledge that exists in the world in a given social context. Therefore, much of what people perceive as reality premised on ideas and knowledge are anchored on shared assumptions that are modelled in society. The aspects of knowledge and the dominant ideas in society are the products of social constructs. They are bound to change as society changes as most things that people believe are the objective reality and well-furnished knowledge are socially constructed and are bound to some changes in society. Therefore, all is thought to as a dominant idea or knowledge that has been constructed and accepted in society. Ideology and the Ruling Class The topic highlights an essential aspect that all the ideologies in society are the formulation of the ruling class. According to Marx and Engel, the dominant ideologies in the society that most people relate to are the products of the material relations, the ruling class that holds money and shapes up whatever they regard…
Digital footprint In a company, many methods can be applied to reduce digital footprints, which are created by the use of a computer system. One of the techniques is restricting the use of the company database so that only authorized personnel have access to it. Some companies also limit the size of the company email, which is allotted to the employees, to ensure minimal and appropriate space requirements and avoid space wastage. Sine digital footprint is connected to the system space, increasing the disk space or adding hardware to the system can also increase the chances of a reduced digital footprint. However, it might add some extra costs to the company in the form of maintenance and installation costs. Reduced digital footprints will ensure better application performance, reduced time taken for file processing, reduced time for overhead processes (such as file processing and system scanning) and will also increase the allocated system space for energy-efficient applications. Various companies nowadays are adapting new data governance techniques such as internal data cleansing and de-duplication of saved data to reduce the digital footprint…
IG program An IG program cannot be considered as any other program and preferably is a process that requires effort and investment from executives. Hence, the complete utilization of financial and human resources is vital for success. Adding to that performance metrics forms a critical part of the program because it lets the organization know about its pitfalls. After setting a standard, the organization can measure up its performance. Metrics are set based on individual objectives of the company. However, some standard set of metrics are used by all types of organizations. It completely aligns with their corporate culture and vision. For instance, every organization aims to reduce data breaches, provide protection to sensitive information, and ensure customer privacy. Additionally, reducing the hacker’s intrusion also forms a vital component of metrics. Therefore, these metrics can enhance the performance of team members and reduce the complaint rate. Metrics should be clearly stated before starting the program. Metrics can be regarded as a vital component of an IG program because it sets the stage, and executive members feel responsible for their performance.…