Complexity and Chaos Management in Healthcare The Christian healthcare administrator needs to be responsible for managing the healthcare unit in times of chaos. The administrator should effectively utilize the unit’s components, including quality equipment and diverse clinical workforce to bring operations to stable condition (Bucknall & Hitch, 2018). Besides, managing the different needs of the workforce will boost the patient’s satisfaction levels, in addition to minimizing instances of complexity and underperforming. The healthcare administrator manages chaos in healthcare through employing methods for detecting and minimizing medical errors, which will, in turn, prevent the advancement of the current issue. This move will be attained by utilizing the relevant machines across the functional units in the facility. The equipment will contribute hugely in eliminating errors due to their capability of storing and updating patient’s history automatically, thereby avoiding complexity. Notably, the Christian healthcare administrator should use motivational factors to manage chaos and complexity. The motivation supplement may include organizing seminars to address the staff as well as providing them with educative materials. The book by Bucknall & Hitch (2018) confirms that chaos…
Population and Economy Mental health is one of the factors affecting the community, especially in urban areas where the population is crowded. The population affected by mental health is prone to facing the poor quality of life, challenges in advancing in education, becoming less productive in the society and being stricken by poverty and social issues.Individuals are affected by the illness at early stages of their life hence being hindered from successfully undertaking a career. Mental disorders lead to a person being less productive in their place of work forcing their employers to fire such employees hence reducing their annual salary. Reduction in payment and lower chances of employment opportunities place the population affected by mental disorders at a higher risk of becoming poor. A risk factor for mental disease is poverty, mental illness elevates the risk of such a population remaining in poverty. This may also result into many people becoming homeless. Racism is a practice that many countries are trying to get rid of, but in some countries it is also encouraged without the consent of the ruling…
The Environment and the Economy Our economy has relied on growth and consumerism for quite some time now. A society has been built full of consumers to provide a basis with which to keep profits high, and when they do go down, to expand by increasing production. Maintaining this system comes at a price, though. Not only has our environment been seriously degraded, but the rates of diseases, including cancer, are on the rise. Only 10% of cancers are hereditary, so one can postulate that the other 90% must be attributed to various environmental factors which are due to releases of toxic chemicals into nearby waterways by corporations to, once again, keep profits high. The focus, from the government as well as non-profit groups, has been to find a cure for cancer rather than preventing it from occurring in the first place, thereby increasing the expenditure of resources. Preventing these negative human health and environmental impacts would mean changing our entire social and economic system. However, there is hope that this can happen in the future. The common belief in…
The values of Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) for successful organizations Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) is performing exceptionally well for the last few years and setting the trend for the banking industry of Canada. The organization is considered as one of the most successful banking organizations of the twenty-first century. The values it has added to embrace that might be important for successful organizations in the twenty-first century are as follows: Networking: The bank has expanded its branches all over Canada with a strong network capability. It interconnects all the offices of the bank. It has helped the bank to serve the maximum number of customers. Top-quality banking facility has been expanded all around for more integrated customer services. Teamwork: LCB has implemented teamwork facility in the organization has maintained both the organizational culture and organizational behaviour. Consumers are getting more trendy and well-coordinated facility than previous. Enhancement in the equity share: The bank has increased its equity. Currently, it is offering more consumer-friendly services to the target consumers, along with various loan and investment facilities. Investment strategy: The company has…
Specialty Food And Beverage: A Case Study Of Small Business Management ABSTRACT Specialty Food and Beverage is facing growing pains from its rapid expansion over the last decade and more. The case provides a summary of the challenges faced by the company in the areas of supply chain management, marketing plans, the creation of economic value, and the development of a long term strategy for profitable growth. Keywords: small business, supply chain, marketing INTRODUCTION of fine teas, sat down and composed a memo to his senior staff. SF had had superior growth over the ate one afternoon in March 2009, Tim Casey, owner of Specialty Foods and Beverage (SF), purveyor last sixteen years; this growth had caused “growing pains” in the organization structure and operations of the firm. In the “early days” Tim made all the major decisions for the company; revenues in the very early years were shy of the $1 million mark, and most of the decisions seemed quite straightforward. Now that revenues were nearing the $25 million mark, Tim was finding…
Managerial Economics, Pricing Strategies Perfect Competition 1.1 Description Perfect/pure market competition explains a market structure where competition is at its greatest level. In that market, there is a large number of buyers and sellers, firms can freely enter or exit the market and products produced in the market are homogenous, identical, and the outputs of products used in the production are not branded. This is the only market where the level of competition is at its greatest and neo-classical economists believe that it is the only market which is likely to give optimum outcomes to consumers. All the firms operating in this market are price takers, and this makes it hard for one firm to influence the prices of the products in this market. Other characteristics of the pure market include market share lacking influence on the prices of commodities sold in the market. In this market, both the buyer and the seller have all the kind of information which they need about a particular product. The information of past, present and future prices are known to both buyers…
MANAGEMENT AND SHOP FLOOR PRACTICES AT AMAZON’S WAREHOUSES Introduction There are a lot of businesses in the world today that deal with the storage of products on a large scale. As a result, organizations that have warehouses prefer using the shop floor so that they can bring out the usable, tangible, and superior quality products as the specification form the customers. Most of the organizations that deal with the selling of products store them in warehouses so that they can have easy inventories and fewer damages. However, when it comes to logistics, small businesses use the warehouse so that they can manage the supply chain. Despite warehouses being important for the big organization, it is also known to be essential for small businesses. This is because it provides a central location for products where customers can request for orders, and the products are stored before they are distributed to them. Majorly, a warehouse is introduced by large or small businesses that deal with large amounts of products that came from oversees through shipping. The products then get identified, sorted,…
Hormones and Behavior The bad feelings that come with periods aside, most women have reported that they get hornier during this time. The interesting thing is that this coincides with the time that women report to not feeling pretty. During ovulation, there is an increase in various hormones. But are these same hormones responsible for the rise in libido during your periods? Scientists have not yet locked on an all-encompassing theory about this because when it comes to women, several factors drive their libido. There is usually a rise and fall of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone during the menstrual cycle. Some scientists have ruled out the importance of testosterone in female libido, while others claim it plays a part. In 2013 a study was released in “Hormones and Behavior.” It followed a group of undergraduate females over two menstrual cycles. They were then asked to report on a journal their sexual activity or increase in sex drive. Researchers discovered that estrogen and progesterone had a profound effect on their sexual desire. A rise in estrogen coincided with an increase in…
impact of employment law when starting employment relationship AC 1.1 Describe the internal and external factors that impact on the employment relationship. Internal Factors – 150 words Working conditions: These are inclusive of various factors such as proper light and ventilation, good water supply, space, and overall infrastructure. If these are proper, then it puts a positive impact on the employee working, which makes them more productive. But any discrepancy in the same may decrease the overall productivity of employees whose result can be reduced in employee relations. company policies and procedures: These include information about job role concerning its title as well as primary duties & responsibilities. If they are in tune with the employee skill set, then he or she will work in a motivated manner. In the same way, if the company has allotted fixed working hours for the employee per week, then this will give them a chance to maintain a good work-life balance. All these will improve the relationship that exists between employee and employer. External Factors: – 150 words International legislation –To maintain…
influence of honey bees on our conditions, economy, and wellbeing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main objective of this short report is to determine the influence of honey bees on our conditions, economy, and wellbeing. It also aimed at revealing how amazing honey bees are, exceptionally how hardworking they are as well as sustaining life on the planet of earth. The table on page 3 briefly shows the analysis of honey bees and their activities throughout the day. The various parts of the short report are summarized as follows: Introduction Purpose of the Study Importance of The Study Scope of the Study Summary of the Findings Experimental Honey Bees Criteria for Evaluation Collecting Data on Bee Trips Data Analysis Conclusion For future purposes, we recommend all the responsible agencies to use the appropriate strategies that will make honey bees a priority as far as pollination is concerned. This will assist in mitigating food shortages across the world. TABLE OF CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.. 1 Purpose of Study. 2 Scope of Study. 2 Findings and Discussion. 2…