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 holder of various certificates in different fields

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 holder of various certificates in different fields

Question 1

I am a holder of various certificates in different fields. My first certificate is a diploma certificate in small business management. Others are a bachelor’s degree in business administration, a master’s degree in business administration, and an executive master of science in information system security. I am currently applying for a Ph.D. in business administration on marketing. This follows the fact that I have been well exposed in the field of business administration, and I would like to continue expanding my knowledge on the same. I decided to apply for this course because, over some years, it has been hard to predict markets. This has resulted in an organization losing much of its capital in solving problems that could have occurred due to improper planning. The reason why I chose to apply at UC is that they have a positive record of producing well-informed researchers in business and other fields.

Question 2

The area I would like to put more emphasis on is marketing. This area is a cross-platform study, for it touches all the departments worldwide. The reason why I choose this area is that I would like to predict the future status in different worldwide markets, identify problems that mainly affect the supply of goods and services to the customers, and propose solutions to those problems. In my study, I would like to put more emphasis on market research. Over some years, different challenges affect the growth and development of markets. I would desire to learn how the market varies on supply and demand. The reason why I would like to learn more about market research is that it’s the backbone of all activities that have to be done in the market.

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Through this, a company will have the ability to determine whether to enter into a particular market or not.

Question 3

My current vocation relates to my application in that I have a pushing power that I should learn much about marketing. This has forced me to seek form, and that is what I am doing. Moreover, I have the confidence that after the application, my dream of being among the most significant marketers who can analyze different trends in the market will come to be. Another way through which my current vocation relates to the request is that I had a desire to expand my studies further now I have an opportunity to do that, and this is an experience I am going through.

Moreover, it had come at a time when I was in search of the best institution where I can further my studies. Another relationship is that whatever I need is in the program I am applying for. This shows that I will be able to achieve my goals and targets.

Question 4

I have been exposed to business fields. From my educational background, I have expounded much on management. Through this, I have been experienced in how different management may affect business. Using the previous experience in the field, I will be able to relate to different environments.

Furthermore, I will be able to determine the workability of different measures before putting in to practice. This will help in saving resources. However, I will be required to do more research to ensure that I am working within the defined rules.

In some cases, my skills will help in that I will be able to work even with little or no supervision, for this has been my fundamental principle. I developed this skill during my undergraduate degree. My skills will also help in ensuring that I have been managing my time appropriately.

Question 5

One of my long-term goals is to become an expert in business involved activities. I would also like to be a researcher who would be able to analyze the current trend of the market, identify what customers are in need of, determine how their needs will be met, and also identify opportunities that would help in the growth of businesses. On archiving this goal, I will be able to ensure that any organization is working at experiences total market exposure. It will also ensure that all the opportunities that could not be identified are exposed, thus increasing the profit margin of the company. Another goal is to be able to integrate different marketing strategies. This will be through deficit identification and address. Furthermore, I would like to be able to teach business students different methods that could be applied in various fields of business. The other goal is being fully equipped on how starts a small business; develop it until it grows to international trade.

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